Classic local commercials....

Local commercials are horrible, helped by the low budget and poor acting, it can make for some funny stuff though!

Anyone remember these ones, from the late 80’s-early 90’s?

An equally bad one and the ppl look ridiculous with it on.

Ok now say you’re drunk as a skunk (that cliche doesn’t make sense, it just rhymes), you’re driving your BMW home late at night and some bitch at the office won’t stop texting you. So you decide, WHILE speeding, that you’ll just call her. How easy is this going to be to get your phone from your pocket, snap it on this headband and make a call. You are going to run over someone like a skateboarder!

The EG Tax ones come to mind because the loud guy with the microphone is my friend Steve.

This one with Derek Roy when he does that weird thumbs thing at the end and says “That’s Great Guys”

Can’t find the video

Love the poses, plus it’s funny to hear them talk about photos and 2hr print service, oh how times have changed!