classic monster truck racing

you ready for saturday jeff!


Wow, I loved that shit when I was a kid.

when i went 10 years ago they still put on a good show for the space.The first day was basically motor cross and the 2nd was just the monster trucks only.we went the 2nd day. They had racing and then free style.1 truck rolled over and the other broke an axle.unfortunetly grave digger didnt show up.but big foot put on a decent show.

a few years ago i raced rc trucks at the arena and got to got to the drivers meeting and eat with the drivers and basically had access to the arena. i ask the driver of the eradicator truck if i could get up in it and he let me but clear channel chewed his ass out then mine . i also got to ride in the dinosaur that chews cars in half and burns them and signed autographs for the kids. it was a great time but in between shows was boring and cold…

we went last night. that was the most amount of ppl ive seen there in the last 5 years

went sunday, ran into General G there.

were u a NR/CTPA member?

x2 with 77redneck, i stopped going there for Monster Trucks awhile ago. not worth it, once you seen them in a larger venue.

for the youtube link collection.

no i never was but tom vito . i have raced a few races with nr/ctpa rules in ohio.

I took my son to the show on Friday, it was ok, but like stated previously…there is not NEARLY enough room there. I was just thinking about how bored the drivers must be, they cant even get on the throttle. The motocross stuff was cool. The staged crap with the quad wars guys was kind of corny, but all in all my son loved it and thats all that matters.