Sweet looking cars gotta say thats a lovely coupe along with the white s14.5 nice rims!!
The s14.5 is from Zilvia. He said that he’s getting arrested and has to sell the car or something lol. There is a long story if you are a memeber goto zilvia and search from something like.
“well i’m off to jail again”
He got off, apparently the charges were dropped.
were they car/driving related charges? if not dont care
No, a huge misunderstanding with lasers and knives? lol
thats good that he got off, if the story he told us was true, then it would be rediculous if he didnt.
I would think it was true since he was parting his car out and everything.
omg. Now i want a coupe.
someone sticky his reply!!! loving it
bah, the top guy is jookybanana from vancouver,
blu808 on zil,. not sure where from
the white s14.5 i posted a couple weeks ago, thread title dayum s14.5
and the purple dude is also from zil.
these are just copy / pastes from the 100+ page pic thread on there.
yup but we dont got any pretty ones here so i thought i’d share.
^^ Yours is pretty.
Why do people put those kind of body kits with sunken rims?
it’s a work in progress…
not everyone can spend thousands of dollars on their car and somehow be able to go to school and have a house eat every day, and ocasionally party.
Decent link to a few more pics: