Cleaning out them closets

In preparation to move I’ve been cleaning like a madman to gather the rest of my stuff before I move. There has been a closet in one of my two rooms in my house that has not seen light in 5 or so years. Bringing out the boxes, I find old Star Wars toys, a Commodor 64 in the original box, and still have more to get out. Let’s see what I find next.

Jimmy Hoffa???


good luck on moving in sir.

find any skeleton’s in your closet.

He’s not cleaning your closet.

By the way have you come out of the closet yet???


he’s always telling me about how he works the corner :kekegay:

dont lie to everbody. you know you work the corner and give me all your money…:finger2:

I read some of thoses pm’s, I’m worried…:rofl:

Wanna go down on it???:bj:

:owned: Found some other cool shit, old Erector Sets, Lincoln Logs and some more.

Right there, that is the reason kids seem to have no common sense these days. There isn’t cool toys like erector set and lincoln logs. And if they are out there the parents aint buying them because they might have to spend time with their kids, instead of putting the kid in front of the TV with the video game. There just is toys that make you think or be creative.

Damn after all that I sound like I’m 80.:hahano:

I agree with what you said, and I’m 23… :nuts:

Does that Commodore 64 work? Got any games or programs with it? A Commodore 64 was my first computer, I had that thing until about 8 years ago!

I’m not sure if the Commodore works or not, there are about 10 games with it. I’m just somewhat happy to find these old toys we played with when we were kids.

Seriously fire that shit up on ebay and cover moving expenses

your kid has a ps2/xbox360/psp/and a laptop were are the lincoln logs?:jerkit:

Commadore 64 HAHAH My first PC as well. i cant remember the camand lines anymore to run the disk drive though…

I do however remember
Oregon Trail hahaha

wrong, u must have me confused wit Tomvito… :finger:


LOAD “game” ,8,1

Have a moving company yet? :x: