Cleaning White Leather Seat Remedies?

The seats in my car are horrible. Anyway to clean them to make them clean and white again? Also so they dont look so worn out?

lexol. /thread

Get a nail brush and work some sort of leather cleaner (Lexol or Leatherique is good) over the leather. If it is really worn and cracked - I guess you can try getting the matching Leatherique dye stuff.

Do not shit in or around the seat area, then you would not have this problem

i heard Lexol can take the color out of the leather. is that true?

I really don’t like Lexol. The cleaner is really difficult to rinse off.

I preferred using a dilute mixture of Woolite and 303 Aerospace protectant. But, that was when I had money to spend on a $24 bottle of protectant.

In my experiences, no.

I did a GTO with red leather seats and it didn’t. You should buy a specialty cleaner and conditioner for non-treated leather. May or may not be able to get them locally.

would water and bleach do the job?

hahaha absolutely not.

A cursory search on Autopia reveals that many people are using those little steam cleaners for leather. Well, along with Woolite.

That’s kind of scary, not as scary as bleach - but still scary.

Not like whit is going to be untreated, lexol is meant for non-coated leather anyway. I guess if you’re worried - start with diluted Woolite.

Leather is really scary. Yucky.

white-out FTW