Jeans stain off leather

Just wondering who has had luck with what product for removing jeans stain from leather seats? Car is three months old and already has stains on the bolster. I have found several products but all seem to have mixed reviews…


I’m pretty sure I use this:

I had a white leather interior on my last truck and my desk chair is white leather. Spray it on, let it sit for a few then scrub off with a microfiber towel. Worked well for me.

Why do I think of Tony Montana when I hear this statement? Even his was black…

Less mess after a wild wackoff session.

Id be tempted to try Folex to clean it, the shit is like snake oil that actually works. Im always amazed by how well it works. Follow it up with your favorite conditioner.

Can be found at nearly any HD or Lowes for ~$6.

For example ( I realize its not on leather, but holy shit does it work good)


Damn that cleaned the salt up nice. Ill try both. See what happens