Cliff is butthurt version 3.1.4

thats because you’re always standing behind him with your cock inserted into his ass staring at his comupter monitor.

My thread was made out of sarcasm and started purely just to start shit. Thats all. I already stated, he rep’d me 3x… before I said a single thing. I dont care about being neg repd… I just found it funny that he goes out of his way to do so.

You guys butt buddies???

You guys butt buddies? :retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap

no shit, thats what I’ve been saying for months though. Dude, go back to any post that ever involved GermanPSI and myself… and theres MK430r… no matter what dude. Always right there. I think they have laptops set up next to eachother with one anothers hands in the others pants.

you have a man crush on him huh

why you getting so butt hurt bro. clearly you cannot handle shift518, you best return to 518carscene where youre king of the mountain

+1 to you friend!

Fuck man, I am a ra-tard. I just didnt scroll down! hahahaha I saw the list of shit I posted in and never gave a shit to look through it or lower on the page! :rofl

…lol yes, I’m soo “butt hurt” bro. I cannot handle shift? Thats why whenever I piss off germanpsi you go and ban me? I’ve been banned twice by YOU because of HIM. Whenever theres any sort of discussion between me and him… there YOU are. You’re right there to stick up for him… “ohhh no germanpsi… dont cry! Ill ban cliff”… srs… whats up with that? Like… some sort of secret society going on here.

hes a friend of mine, sorry dude, maybe if every attack was from him, towards you it would be different. but quite frankly i personally think youre annoying man.



This could get good fast.

+1 Move to battlefield before MK430R locks this up

open for business.

Fuck yeah… Kick his ass sea bass.

Low blows and eye gouging is encouraged.

Ok Cliff were in the clear. Ready, set, GO!

get em’

Cliff, you are a total retard! Why in the fuck are you getting SOOOOOOOOO worked up over a forum? Have Alpineskiier hook you up with some Lexapro dude. You need to take a chill pill. I can see the steam coming out of your ears. It’s a buttshit rep system. Get over it, go get your peepee wet or something.

This is bullshit! Should have same rules for everyone, no matter what age!