Cliff is butthurt version 3.1.4

Bennyjizzle told everyone at the lot brohh.

what a fat fuck… i figured with him being fat, he wouldnt sandbag me about being fat. I knew he said he was diggin my chubby cheeks and shit, but I didnt think he’d take it that far.

Lolol I’d plus rep u for that cause it was kinda funny. To bad I negged you yesterday so I can’t.

lol oh well, it happens. =p

So from this thread we’ve learned that you cannot trust one fatty to not spread information that contains fat content to an entire forum, and that Cliff and GermanPsi are fighting to the death in a pool of jello (flavor which is picked by the winner of a chocolate coin toss, as long as cliff doesnt eat it first).

nowai… I dont wanna tread on mk430r’s territory.

A negative and a negative = a positive. So a (-)(neg) = positive…



THANKS photobucket is junk buts shes all good now, and you still dont make sense.


German and I are headed to the bar right now for beers, lock it up till we get back.

true story

i can add a different 24 hours if you’d like, for old times sake:lol

Hi there, I am glad you responded to my posting on craig list. I realize my
posting was kinda breif, no need for every one to see my life’s story. I am
Cherie. I’m not interested in comitments, I am just seeking a sex buddy.

Age and looks do not really concern me, so long as you treat me right. You have
to be clean, as I am.

Let’s get together for dinner if you are interested, just to get to know one
another. Check out my photoalbum, it is at My phone number
is on their aswell, so if you enjoy my pics then call me. Hope to hear back from


yeh still no neg so the 24hrs must not be up :rofl

Oh no, my 24hrs is up. =p

Rep me
Rep me, my friend
Rep me
Rep me again

i m not the only one .IIIII [3x]
i m not the only one…

Hate me
Do it and do it again
Waste me
Rep me, my friend

i m not the only one.IIIII [3x]
i m not the only one…

My favorite inside source
I’ll kiss your open sores
I appreciate your concern
You’re gonna stink and burn

Rep me
Rep me, my friend
Rep me
Rep me, again

i m not the only one ?, IIIII [3x]
i m not the only one…

Rep me! (Rep me!)[8x]
Rep me!