Club.Broke.Status, Brokedown 09 August 30th

I know there are some dubbers here on Shift. So I figured Id post this up.
Club. Broke. Status. Is having there 3rd annual Brokedown GTG every year it has gotten bigger and bigger. Soooo…

Im looking to see if anyone is interested in a cruise to and from and attending this show. It’s on Aug. 30th in Gardner, Mass. at Gardner Airport. Its just shy of three hours away

Cruise out of Albany: meet at Stuyvesant Plaza at 6:45am leave no later than 7:15am head out I-90 towards mass.

Who ever is going fill up before you meet us. We ARE NOT stopping on the way out

I already have about 10 cars give or take a couple saying they are down for the trip.

Link to tread(s) on vortex.

Post up if you are down.

I’m down, I don’t have a dub but I’m always down for VW/Audi shows/cruises.

OK. This will be a laid back cruise out FYI.

Yeah no doubt, I’m in.


im in

Awesome man looking forward to meeting you

delprad count me in

Bummer for you Vdubbers missin out whats right in your back yard !!!

gtfo with that shit, brokedown FTW

yeah, advertising for another event in another event’s thread FTL

fixed the issue you turds.

Nah not advertising just opening your eyes to shit that is in front of you BUT who cares. Delete the thread

Bump it up it gunna be a good show

i thought there were alot of vw people on here. we need to represent.

Troof. AS of right now looks to be about 12-15 cars going. Getting pumped for this.

yeah i hear ya on that. im def lookin forward to it. i figure between now and then some people will prob back out but even if we get half of that it would be decent. i would still like to see more people get into this from here.

If your looking for more local DUbbers check out

yeah ive checked it out. i went to a couple of gtgs held by ca-va as well.

STAY AWAY FROM CA-VA, not really stay away everyone on rofl was once a member of ca-va but shit hit the fan with the guy that started it and we went and started our own thing.