CNN, we don't sugar coat it...

The link title: "KPRC: Three teens try to outrun train – and fail "

The article:

Three teens died late Wednesday after their car went through railroad crossing arms, collided with an Amtrak train and caught fire, deputies said.

Suprised they didn’t call it, “Train vs kids. Train 1, kids -3”.

lol, wow.

If i was the editor my headline would’ve been

“Darwin claims 3 more”

They already pulled it from the front page.

I always feel bad for the passengers in cases like this, and in the rochester txt msg cheerleader deaths.

Yeah its not their fault the driver decided to risk everyones life to save 60 seconds.


Yeah its not their fault the driver decided to risk everyones life to save 60 seconds.


you don’t necessarily know that for sure. odds are no, they didn’t, but who knows they could have talked the driver into it.

Chalk up another one to Darwin. :tup:

Haha, Darwin rules.

fucking idiots

Lanes freeing up…

Is this how god is goin to weed out the stupid?