Cobra Vs SS

it was a cold day … snow fell part of the shoot … but it didnt stop us from getting the images we went out to capture … Jeff brought his Twin Turbo Terminator out and i rode with Andrew in his Camaro SS … Andrew used Jims method of finding spots and “aka google maps” and found us a decent spot to shoot for an hr … no tires were harmed in the making of these images yea right LOL














Sick pictures and cars.

lmao i love the camaros lic plate thats awsome

dude I love them all but I think I like 11 the best. That picture is soooo nasty!

Harmony Mills #1…LOL. Do you guys have permission to film there? :rofl

Love this shot, btw! Great stuff!

Permission to film there? it sounds like we were making a movie?

and there were a few people working there. Drove right by us with smiles waving. Not a problem.

Besides, isn’t the mills across the street? I think you have the wrong building…

Oops, I meant Mill#1.

I am just joking about permission part, calm down :rofl. I know there are guys doing demo there, guess how I know…:rofl

2 and 11 are dope, i really like where all your photography is going style wise i mean

i also really like # 8 if the color of the cobra was toned down

#8 shows the real color of the cobra real well IMO. That afternoon it was pretty windy and the sun was going in and out real quick and it even started snowing at one point real hard.

nice! 5 and 8 are my favorite

are you purging in the last pic? it looks awsome

nice pics, i need to get involved in one of these sweet shoots.

lulZ @ my method of finding locations haha.

Spot looks good! Wish I could’ve made it out.

the one with the purge and jeff’s turbo’s in the bumper are actually a photoshop. It was to cold to take jeff’s bumper off and my bottle is sitting in my bedroom empty from the last shoot.

this is a real purge picture…

Awesome pics and cars!

Thx !

lets do it up

my fav is the burnout shot … just worked amazing … and i didnt get run over

thx man !

yea they are … maybe a 4 turbz a jeep and a ford sometime ?

the spot would have been alot better like I planned if they didnt start doing construction a few days prior it seemed. Dumb scrap pile right in front of the best part!

we missed you Jim. We missed you.
