COCAINE IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so, uh… does it taste anything like redbull?

is it carbonated?

i think its carbonated but it burns and i couldnt really tell anything else about it. it gets you going tho. i couldnt sleep at all that nite.

pm me with where to get it i love energy drinks the best ive had so far is bookoo

it is carbonated, and tastes nothing like red bull. this taste WILL make your throat burn but once you have had about 5-15 it goes down like nothing haha. those are the most common. but there are some corner stores that also carry it.

I seen that same list but none of them have any #'s to go with it.I would actually like to get a pallet or larger of it so I could sell it fairly cheap.


in b4 all of you get checked in to the hospital for heart problems a few years from now :tspry:

the more caffeine you drink the less effect it has on you. I try to stick to one cup of timmy hos coffee in the morning, and mayyyybe a Red Bull if I am dragging ass in the afternoon. Drinking a ton of energy drinks is retarded.


and :word: to coffee.

ha im in need of a bump who sells this stuff local?

me in G.I. and I guess there is a place in Lancaster that sells them.

Does it come with a mirror and razor blade?

I’ll let ya use the hood of my truck and my knife if that helps.


so where can i buy this stuff today?

I have some with me if ya can wait until I get out at 1am.
And why is my signature in the form of a link?how do I fix it?


My friend’s been selling it for a few months now and he had me try it.

It had the same reaction on me.

It’s sucks and it’s fucking expensive. :tdown:

  1. Resize it so that it fits the guidelines
  2. Change it to jpg format (because png isn’t supported)
  3. Add ![ tags (i.e. [img] http://mysigpic.jpg ]( tags (i.e. [img] http://mysigpic.jpg ) just with no spaces)

i work at 8am tomorrow otherwise i would. will u be in the buffalo area tomorrow at all