Four Loko

dudes are trying to ban four loko in new york city.

anyone have any experience with this stuff? i bought some last time i was in ny state and snuck it over here (Canada). our government wont allow it in the country because they dont want their citizens to ruin their think-boxes with dangerous levels of alcohol/caffiene. but i, for one, welcome our new energy booze overlords.

i left a couple cans in the fridge knowing my roomate would mistake it for a refreshing beverage without reading the can closely. her and her friends ended up mixing it with vodka at 5am one night and they were all ruined when i woke up. it was pretty funny.

i only had one sip of the blue raspberry and i figured id never touch it again. still glad i bought in bulk though. when people come to your house expecting booze, you just bust one of these on em and they end up 10x drunker than they intended to get and will NEVER drink at your place again which saves you money in the long run.

I was at a party on friday night.

We decided to do some “Bombs” with four loko(grape I think) + jaegermeister …it was pretty bad.

No. It hurts. Never again.

lokobombs? i heard those are MEGA on the indian reserve. does loko get love with most young people in the states? i thought it would be a ghetto thing, but then i thought about the general consumption of vodka redbull and i guess it might have mass appeal.

They’re trying to ban SALT in NYC, lol.

Lokobombs just don’t taste good. If you’re gonna do one of those just go all out and do the full shot. Real bombs with non alcoholic energy drink are great but mixing two decently potent alcoholic drinks just makes it suck more.

As for drinking them seperately, it’s replaced OE 40’s as the cheapest way to get hammered. It’s equivalent to a 6-pack for a couple bucks and a lot easier to drink. Add in the caffeine and instead of making you pass out it makes you want to break things.

It’s a great pregaming drink as it’s quick and gets ya goin. I’m a liquor guy but once in awhile 2-3 of these guys for a pregame for a change of pace will get your night off to a good start. Only thing is mixing too much sugar and alcohol is asking for a hot puke session later in the evening, especially once you add in some random other stuff over the course of the night.

Honestly, I would rather just drink a 1/2 Jaeger 1/2 Redbull…i guess that’s not really the cheap way though

heard there trying get rid of it around here too…i never tried it tho myself…i’m a liquor guy as well…mmm captn & coke

so is it pretty widely available? like do gas stations in the burbs stock it? or is it mostly in urban areas or low income areas? how long has it been around for? my friends have been freaking out over it for a couple months but i had never heard of it til about mid summer.

its been around for a while, and j00se has been around for longer. they stock them all over the place at convience stores where i live (about 20 min south of buffalo)

im not allowed to drink these anymore. that being said -

edit - i really miss sparks. sparks ruled, last summer i went to consumers and dude that works there was like “hey… i found a flat of OG (caffene guarana ect) sparks in the back… want some?” i grabbed a bunch of 4 packs, and that was the last of real sparks for me :frowning:

my og thread, with j00se update -

DOUBLE EDIT! - just a heads up, ive found an awesome replacement for sparks / j00se / 4loko, supplies are as follows

  1. 1.75 bottle of new amsterdam gin
  2. 4 32oz bottles of lemon-lime flavored gatorade
  3. 1 4-pack of amp energy drink (red or blue color are my personal fav)

fill a solo cup with ice, add about 1/2 gin, 1/4 gatorade, and 1/4 amp energy drink. repeat until scream vomit

It’s hit or miss in the suburbs. Generally the more hood the more likely. Same thing as 40’s.



Guffey they make it in latrobe. They will never ban it around here or within 150 mile radius. A good bit of college campuses have banned it already though . Each one is like 4 beers. Girls have 2 and there DTF


nice…like i said it was just something i heard, i have yet to try it yet

sorry english is my second language. Bad english is my first.


I bet you’ve never had two or three Fourlokos then gone out drinking…

I did 2 before the powder keg fest, then drank all day there. I was a mess.

x2 . 1 four loko is pretty much the same alcohol content as drinking four beers since its 12% and its twice the size of a beer. So 16 beers pregame? I wouldn’t want to see your bar tab.