Cobra Jeffy is going to cry

But Adam is going to be stoked

good that stuff is bad news

shit taste like hershey squirt in a can. good riddens

Fuck that, mixing alcohol and stimulants is great

Yeh. Fucking shit taste like anti-freeze. mixing a goddamn depressant with a stimulant is brilliant.

lol I am buying 2 cases of it to either sell or drink for the hell of it. sticking to the man by destroying my liver!

It’s really no different than having an energy drink or two before you go out for the night IMO.

yea duh, already bought 5 cases @ BJs

lol they dont sell that shit at my work do they Ryan?!?! If so ill stack up and make a killing selling it to the teeny boppers!!

What’s next? Banning RedBull/Vodka? Same thing.

This stuff gets you anihilated but destroys your stomach

Its like 6 beers and 3 cups of coffee or some shit. It just sounds bad. Ive had them before. Dont get me wrong, they are cheap as hell and deff do what they are supposed to do lol

They wont ban redbull and vodka, they’re seperate.The problem is it’s together. Like Joose.

Na, they don’t stalls, I thought Sams did.

Fuck my ass, I need some ASAP.

All the flavors are disgusting. They are drinkable after you are already buzzed

No fool, selling Redbull/Vodka (mixed together) at the bar. Or Jersey Shore in your case.



The watermelon isn’t/wasn’t horrid

The lemonade tasted atrocious!

Drank these once, never again.

Good riddens you cock suckers!!