Who has tried Shark Energy Drink?

Just out of curiosity. There are so many energy drinks out there now and one of the longest running ones is SHARK, 20 years prior to red bull, but recently here to the U.S.

It’s actually really big in the UK and Australlia.

Personally, i don’t like the sugar one at all…just to sugary for me. The sugar-free one is good though IMO.


Other’s opinions?

A guy at the hospital I worked at was selling this shit by the case. The first few were meh, then they started leaving a bad after taste.

Would never try it again.

I tried it once, found it overly sweet…will not bother with it again

I am redbull guy. Even got the mini fridge in th garage. Monster sucks, never tried shark.

take back that Monster comment mister! I love Monster Blue.

the only time I have any energy drinks its mixed with vodka.

its ok, nothing amazing. I got one when they first came out, they wanted like $2 and some cents. not worth it for the size for sure. ended up seeing them at the gas station at genesee and walden, they had them for $1. bought like two of them. not getting them again because they dont do shit for me.

I still think coffee wires me more than any other energy drink I have tried.

Some D-bag got me hooked on Rockstar drink. Thats the only one I really like now, but in a pinch I will drink shark.

I have tried all of the energy drinks made by shark energy drinks. I have cases of all of these energy and vitamin types . Shark is proboly the worst tasting kind but there is this Korean batch I picked up and wasnt to sure if it really was an energy drink neither was the shop keeper in Toronto, I drank the hole bottle in one swig since energy drinks in Asia area sold mostly in 100ml bottles with no carbonation and I almost puked. It had this vick vapor rub after taste. I always go out of my way to find new drinks becouse most of them are regional and collect them. Mostly I like the ones from S.E. Asia since the are healthier and more supplement for than pure sugar and taurine ,and still get that kick. If you go to sharks website which is not a Buffalo product as they claim. Its owned by a company in Thailand called Osotspa Co ltd were most of them were invented the sell overseas shark energy drink already bottled with vodka and they produce thier own vodka.

I was given my first Redbull in Vietnam over 12 years ago and have been hooked since but according to my wife up untill recently those energy drinks were intended for the sick and old to give them more energy. Go figure

They used to have this all the time when I worked at Bayou. I had one at the beginning of the night and it made me feel more awake then red bull but it tasted like shit.

There is nothing good about any of these drinks so if I was gonna try anything to be kept awake and alert, its limited to only 5 Hour Energy

Shark is not a buffalo product, it’s the sole distributor for the U.S. … fyi.

:wstupid: Although now that I don’t drink much coffee, half a can of that stuff has me shaking like a leaf. I used to be able to drink the bucket sized ones at 6pm and still sleep at night. One of those would probably give me a heart attack now. :ohnoes:

It’s about a million times better for you too. Seriously. Coffee = healthy. Tons of soluble fiber & antioxidants. Energy drinks? Well I don’t know too much other than that whole redbull blood sludge problem…

When exactly do leaves shake? I have a plant intfront of my desk and never seen it shake.

I only drink redbull as every other energy drink I have had sucks, I really did not like Shark it seemed like it has a bunch of fake sugar in it.

When Shark was introduced to the Buffalo market it was touted as being a Buffalo made product. Dude I live and breath energy drinks like some guys and their cars.

I didn’t know coffee had soluble fiber.

:word: love this stuff, my room mate gets cases from somewhere. I don’t know if it’s great that I drink it all the time. I think it’s ok, just a lot of sugar.

once i was at a bar and i ordered a vodka redbull and they put shark in it. Shit was disgusting