RedBull Silver, Blue, and Red

Anyone else try this stuff yet? I tried Silver today and it tastes like Sweet Tarts and how floor cleaner smells.

Is Red and Blue any better?

Silver is the best out of the 3 unless you like how robotussin tastes then red is for you

Im buying all 3 and mixing them together then.

You just gave me a fantastic idea for jungle juice this upcoming drift season.

Oh ps Jim you should seriously come to one of the jersey events this season.

I dare you to mix all 3 with Hennesey and put it in a gas can.

I might, I fucking HATE New Jersey though :rofl

Nah bro, everclear or some other grain alcohol is much more cost effective.

Also I will buy the cheapest shittiest energy drink I possibly can (read as: most dangerous)

plus some purple

I want to go to one of the cool drift events where people get drunk.

I can hook ya’ll up with who you’ll need to be hooked up with to get media passes and stand in the middle of the track and shit.

er mah gerd…

Red is “okay” by itself…

but red with oranage juice and its fucking delicious. Basically a cranberry and orange juice on crack :rofl

Blue, is kind of like drinking the blueberry filling of a poptart, just not as sweet…

Silver… ehh I dont care for it much

Honestly wasn’t a big fan of the red, the blue is even more like crack, and I haven’t tried the silver.

Where in the fuck did you come from? :hug

Hows it hangin

Redbull BLOWS. Monster Lemon Tea, Monster Rojo, or Rockstar Lemonade FTW.

Gert the fuck out of here with that shit, I’d rather piss in my own mouth.

Then again, I stopped drinking energy drinks almost completely up until recentely, and its AMAZING how shitty they all taste. I thought red bull was the most delicious thing in the world, stopped drinking it for almost a year and take my first sip… I wanted to vomit

My wife loves Rockstart/Monster, I cant stick and SINGLE fucking one of them tastes like someone ground up chalk, pissed in it… crushed up some sweet tarts and maybe added a little flavoring depending on what color it is.


I’m good. :slight_smile:

You’ll have to use some stewarts energy drinks lol

Energy drinks are for gays. Stay awake on your own ya pussies.

So you bought a case of this:

I can’t drink Monster, shit gives me the shakes like a homeless alcoholic.

monster zero ultra or go fuck yourself. zero calories and lots of energy ftw.

when i really need to be up too long rockstar 2x it is, tastes like shit but so much caffeine you will be shaking more then a crack head suffering withdrawal