What's your favorite Energy Drink?

Just wondering what everyone’s favorite Energy Drink is? I personally never had one because of the carbs and sugar.

Monster Blue (low carb, because it tastes better then the sugared one not because i care about carbs)

pimp juice!!!

still Red bull

does teh blue one have that artifical sweetener taste to it? cause i hate that but i love monster. its just to sugeryif thats even a word

hell yes.

i get that at Spencer’s

im all about the redbull. but i had some of that full throttle stuff the other day and it wasnt too bad.


SOBE No Fear is pretty darn tasty. I also like krunk, Booku Energy in orange.

lol milks the shit.

i never tried an energy drink in my life


Timmy Ho’s
Dunkin Donuts
MC D’s new premium roast

Whip Ass !!!

Pimp Juice is nasty lol, Its like drinking anti-freeze.

Sobe and Redbull


actually, i’m not sure if you answered the question there. but the correct answer is GIN!!!

crunk juice FTW :headbang:




Do a 12-shot FTW. Totally blew the welds on my stomach.

But seriously can’t say I have ever drank any energy drink even though I have this sweet-ass unopened can of NAWZ on my desk. So I’ll chime in with the milk.

I second that… NOS

Full Throttle IMO is the best tasting, But BooKoo gives me the most rush