Im looking for a shop in Southern Alberta that overhauls coilovers…i was thinking of just sending them out to Tein, but that will take a few months and i dont want to wait that long.
some bike shops overhaul coilovers, start there.
sorry but this is the biggest rumor in the planet. I have heard this a gazillion times, called a bizillion different bike shops and never found a shop that actually does it.
Please someone correct me If I am wrong.
Send them to Tien.
There is one shop in Vancouver (forgot name) and the one out East that bing uses. Look for somewhere that builds, formula atlantic cars or something simmilar
you mase well just buy new if you are going to send them to tein. i had a coilover fixed a year or so ago.and it took nearly 4-6 months of waiting for them to replace the part. you pay shipping out there and back.its a big waste of time and money imo.
Give Pierre Guyon a try (formerly of Guyon Racing) at:
i sent a message to dynoplus…anybody have an idea what the name of this shop is in Vancouver or the name of the shop out east that bings uses? I’d consider buying new coilovers. But the ones i have are still in good shape besides the one blown dampner. I’d like to get them all refurbished but I will take the most cost effective route.If that means buying new ones then so be it!