College Finals Suck!

This is the last week of class at Robert Morris University for the fall semester. I have 35+ hours of school work in plus about 25 hours of work in and its only Wednesday. Calculus 2 is kicking my ass! I studied for 11 hours yesterday JUST for that class.

Anyone else dealing with them? I’m calling off from now on the weeks that I have finals…too much too much.

BED! and back at it at 8am. 6 classes a semester suck. 5 in the summer :frowning:

:End of bitching

i cant even tell you how many nites ive gone without sleep this semester. 3 of my 4 classes dont have finals, so im actually lookin forward to finals week. the one week i can relax

oh and the classes that dont have finals, all have final projects due friday


1 out of 4 of my classes have finals this year ftw!

been there done that… except it seems that most every week is a finals week for me, and when actual finals week does come around…its worse than hell. i seriously hate my life for these last 3 weeks before schools done for the semester

whats yall’s majors anyway? i’m a mech engineer

Business Mgmt./marketing
I start my internship/employment at my dads software company (Medcom Solutions) in april. This will allllll start to pay off then. I’m going to start learning medical coding software so I can begin to consult w/ hospitals shortly after. I will probably start to dip into the sales also since I have always enjoyed that end of business. I’m sure selling multimillion dollar software is different than selling consumer electronics though.

landscape architecture

I am going to fail aesthetics, how the hell do you fail a philosophy class…

lol i’m not doin that great in my one class… concept of human nature… i fell behind in the readin of the stuff we was suppose to read…i didnt have time to read that shit with all the engineerin work i had to do. and i put some of the reading off, and now its biting me in the ass. the class sucks ass tho, very boring and i wonder why i took it. i’ll be happy if i get a c/c+ in it

There’s nothing like the feeling of walking out of that last final though and knowing you have some time off. Finals week was sometimes easier than during the year though if you knew the material, because you just had to review it. That’s a big if though.

Good luck!

this is why i called off work duirng finals and midterm week!

Fuck, I took 18 credits per semester for 5 years. I would have loved to have 4 classes

i wanna go back to college :frowning:


Concept of Human Nature. I remember that class. My professor looked like the guy on a can of Pringles.

good luck!

I remember and miss finals… I loved being in school! Hopefully I will make my return soon.

Same here. Presentation finals > exams. I’m going back for my MBA in the near future. I have to take my GMAT first.

yeah me too… I hate standardized tests, thats whats been holding me back.

LOL graduated and still cant find a job guess I should go back to kill time. thought engineering would pay off, guess not.

are you attending penn state or chatham? My fiance is getting her masters in LA too.

if parkbench can get a very nice paying job as a engineer w/ just an associates and you cant…i question your engineering abilities.

neither, at good ol WVU