If you paid for that class, they just took your money and ran. I would also take off the boces thing as well, and how many words you can type a minute. You may want to look online to see different samples of resumes as well, not saying your’s is bad, but could be improved.
Yup paid for the class…was a required course to get the business degree at UB =/ Definitely keeping my typing speed though as that’s impressive, but i’ll edit the bulleted things.
Yea, College Resume classes suck!!!
Go talk with or work with a good recruitment company or someone who works in HR with resumes. Takes a while to put together a good resume, but once you do it’s easy to do again; and to modify for different job opertunities that you’re going after.
Yea it sucks they make you take them when its all stuff you can learn on your own and better. Also on the top where you mention your classes with microsoft office programs, take that off, you have it listed at the bottom as well. Leave it under computer exp. or whatever you have it called. Also, unless your going for where your doing a lot of type such as an assistant, they could care less if you type 95 words a minute. Also what field are you looking to get into? Because your resume will change based on field, job, etc.
95wpm is nothing unusual these computer dominated times we live in. It looks goofy and has little to no influence on whether or not you’re getting a call back.
You’re most likely going to end up with a job that is going to make you fill out an application anyways. Jobs are few and far between around here these days, degree or not, and you have to remember - everyone else in WNY that’s unemployed is applying for every job opening that is advertised publicly, too… most, if not all of whom have plenty more experience than you. I would seriously consider removing at least NAFS because its doing nothing for you other than getting your resume consistently thrown in the trash.
Also, things like having a $96,000 acct in your file don’t matter if you never settled it. Hell, I can almost guarantee you never even spoke with the person. And that $8,700 sounds more like a maximum monthly sales rather than an average, am I correct? Any decent employer is going to look into this stuff so be sure.
so who pissed in your cornflakes this morning? geez…
Beating around the bush or hinting about what’s potentially wrong with someones resume could easily be the difference between someone getting & not getting a job
Must’ve sent my resume and applications to 30+ places this past week, 0 callbacks.
FUCK BUFFALO. My resume & college degree at least deserve a fucking callback.
did you send the one posted or did you revise it based on your feedback here? because pretty much everyone agreed that the one you posted wouldn’t do you a lot of good.
also, a college degree isn’t as special as it used to be. it’s like the new high school diploma.
:word: and it sucks but it seems you almost need a Master’s to get somewhere these days.
PM lafengas. :mamoru:
There were some EXCELLENT suggestions posted. Some of them seemed to be from people that actually do hiring and were telling you what they would look for. Hell I may post my resume up for critique here.
Props to the suggestions in here…got me thinking about my resume.
fyi, you should have more one one version of your resume, as well. Each resume should be tailored for the type of job you are applying for. Entry level resumes look different than management level resumes look different than marketing position resumes look different than government position resumes, etc. Each contains the information that is relevant to that position and that types of responsibilities that come along with it. Aim for 3 different resumes, although 4-5 is more common.
Unfortunately, degrees don’t mean much anymore. Unless it’s something super specific ie. aerospace engineering, it’s not going to get you much more than $1-2 more an hour than me.
If you sent the resume you posted here to anyone, consider that lead dead. TWO different 4 month jobs, with the other one being a pretty BS job as well, is fucking you hard. I wouldn’t put ANY of those down if it was me. But I guess putting 1 and stretching some dates would probably be better.
I don’t have a minute of college education, and worked primarily collections & customer service since I got out of HS, and I’ve had some good job prospects recently. Just nothing that I thought I would want to stick with and/or pay sucked, hours sucked etc. or whatever, but point is there is stuff out there. It’s all in your talk off! NAFS should have taught you that
Just lost a job at Bank of America where my interview was flawless because I put Temp on my Resume and they actually verified it wasn’t temp. :picard:
That was because you put temp on your resume. You are better off being honest with them and when they ask why you left to tell the the truth but end why you left with positive feedback or something positive that came out of it…start doing some research on how to interview, set up your resume on line. There are tons of places with great info. Take any interview you can get even though you are not going to take the job just to gain experience interviewing…hell even have friends interview you and get feed back.
If he didn’t put temp on his resume he never would have even gotten the interview.
Very few employers actually call your previous jobs, even fewer get into that level of detail. Sounds like you got the shit end of the stick on that one but most of the time it will help you a lot more than it hurts.
Get the fuck out of Buffalo.
dude, that resume needs help
do you have any contacts to friends/family friends that are higher up in a company(ie managers/directors)?
They will be able to help you. People that work at colleges are NOT hiring managers. I had my resume critiqued by SO many people(VPs, directors of IT, family, my gf(who is a writer), etc…). It changed A SHITLOAD between the first run and last.
Put less focus on the number of jobs you held, and more focus on what you did at the jobs you held. 2 bullet explanations are SHIT. I like that you put quantified numbers in on your accomplishments though, that is key.
Good points.
Whenever I’ve made a resume, my description for each job I have was at least a paragraph or two of space on a page.
No offense to you, or anyone else, but, everybody and their mother is a Business major at UB. Jobs know this, and really need to see a solid looking resume that stands out from the rest.