ECO 405 3cr
ECO 407 3cr
ECO 212 3cr
GER 101 5cr
14 credits
ECO 405 3cr
ECO 407 3cr
ECO 212 3cr
GER 101 5cr
14 credits
dont know really the exact numbers
Survey of Math
Intro to Corrections 1
Criminal Investigations
Lab for Investigations
Criminal Ethics
all at ecc north 16 credits
cse 411
cse 442
cse 396
mth 306
all at UB
Bio 211
HLS 301
PSH 111
MTH 111
FLM 396
MGA 601 Behavior & Organizational Concepts
MGA 604 Financial Analysis & Reporting
Easier than 200 level engineering courses.
ethics in CJ
research methods in social science
environmental investigations
advanced seminar in FS
at hilbert
Psychology of Memory - PSY 326
Abnormal Psychology - PSY 303
Behavio Modification - PSY 373
Ethics in Human Services - PSY 321
Dinosaurs - PHY 133
DINOSAURS FTMFW! Easiest science credit ever…
Canisius College by the way…
Psychology of Memory - PSY 326
Abnormal Psychology - PSY 303
Behavio Modification - PSY 373
Ethics in Human Services - PSY 321
Dinosaurs - PHY 133
The fuck?! :lol: That’s awesome!
com125 - intro to the internet
com236? - interviewing
com326 - teaching assistant for public speaking
9 easy credits, last semester victory lap ftw!
MAT 370- Algebraic Structures
MAT 375- Geometry
AED 391- Intro to Adolescent Education
SHH 300- Normal Language Development
12 credits bare min @ SUNY Cortland
ECO 405 3cr
ECO 407 3cr
ECO 212 3cr
GER 101 5cr
14 credits
whens your GER 101 class? I am in one as well.
Quantum Mechanics
Math Physics
Circuit Analysis
Theoretical Mechanics
History 101
Advanced Lab
MTH427 Intro to Topology
MTH429 Number theory I
MTH411 Mathematical Probability
MTH311 Intro to higher math
MTH413 Intro to mathematical logic
17 credits @ UB
com125 - intro to the internet
com236? - interviewing
com326 - teaching assistant for public speaking
9 easy credits, last semester victory lap ftw!
Assuming that’s not high school (and I’m not sure), you realize that you’re paying for that right?
Ah the good old days. Props for being smart enough to take EE202 instead of EAS200 or whatever the general circuits class was.
Assuming that’s not high school (and I’m not sure), you realize that you’re paying for that right?
yeah it is college, yeah i am paying for it. i only need 9 credits to graduate. com125 is a requirement, im a teaching assistant for a public speaking class for 3 credits, and interviewing might actually be useful. plus i like the teacher. sure, i could get my moneys worth and take another class, but if i dont need it i dont see a reason to bother. ive put my time in.
MBA 801 managerial environment & ethics
MBA 645 personal leadership
MBA 690 strategic management
MBA 507 operational planning and control
first and only full-time semester, canisius MBA program. Finishing in december
failure Mechanics
Materials Tech.
MET Lab 2
Enviromental Studies
Mechanical Engineering Technology at RIT