College Kids: What classes are you taking?

mth121 - calculus
che201 - organic
phy121 - physics
sta119 - statistics

17 credits

UB ftw

RVD pretty much takes a car and brakes it down into the actual properties that make it do what it does.

You graph slip angles,corning stiffness,coefficients of friction, normal load, lateral force, side wall deflection, etc. and normalize them all so you get a magic formula, which allows you to find anything via input output and what not

You get into aerodynamics’s and down forces, graph orientation, its how to test and optimize your car.

Note: This isn’t a hey thats a picture of a 1989 Supra/Look a burn out/thats a drift/ type class

History of Video Games
3DDG Modeling


whens your GER 101 class? I am in one as well.


m-w-f 11am-12:25


ARC448 Building Projects
ARC121 Intro to Architecture (never took it, need it to graduate)
ARC411 Intro to caad
Arc411 Intro to caad lab
PD450 Environmental Design Senior Studio

16 credit hours, graduate in december.

Joe - Yes, Fishy is my professor

90NA300zx - Yep it’s with Kermis

haha, i have fish for the grad version of the class. Class isn’t hard but all those quizzes and homeworks are really f’in annoying.


haha, i have fish for the grad version of the class. Class isn’t hard but all those quizzes and homeworks are really f’in annoying.


Absolutely, I feel like she expects me to not have a life. And I dunno about your class, but if I hear one more example about Delphi, I’m gonna go shoot up the place.

ENG 110
BIO 170
BIO 170L
GEN 110
VET 100


Absolutely, I feel like she expects me to not have a life. And I dunno about your class, but if I hear one more example about Delphi, I’m gonna go shoot up the place.


how bout that ultrasonic welder? we get a lot of at&t examples too. she actually does teach the stuff pretty good though, i got an a in the undergrad 1



how bout that ultrasonic welder? we get a lot of at&t examples too. she actually does teach the stuff pretty good though, i got an a in the undergrad 1



She was just talking about that yesterday. I wanted to rip my hair out. That class is too much at 8:30am


I’m gonna go shoot up the place.


Quoted for FBI.


CSE 562 - Database Systems
CSE 710 - Graph Algorithm Seminar
CSE 700 - Independent Study


MGA 601 Behavior & Organizational Concepts
MGA 604 Financial Analysis & Reporting

Easier than 200 level engineering courses. :rofl:


Yea… that might be what im going to have to do :frowning:


ENG118… Poems Plays and Prose
COM350… Desktop Publishing
MKT250… Advertising
MKT310… Marketing Planning

:slight_smile: easy semester! wooohooo for senior year!


…the end is sooo close…

:bloated: I feel very sorry for all you college kids :wink:
Good Luck!!

Only taking three classes right now cause well, im busy.
Creative Writing
Finite Mathmatics