Colorized photo of Saratoga Springs from 1936 [fixed - 1915]


That’s pretty cool

agreed. neat picture. Im surprised at the absence of cars. Maybe its more like 1916

Yea, good point. I do see one car though, near side of the street semi behind a tree. Looks more like some sort of delivery truck.

The funny thing is you can tell exactly where that picture was taken. The buildings really haven’t changed that much. I wish the sidewalks were still like that, there is ugly bushes and clutter there now

It looked better back then lol.

so true, my reaction to that pic was hey i walked by that building saturday when i was in toga.

I’d love to go back in time, sometimes :lol. So much interesting stuff…

and it looks much earlier than a '30’s truck. Id say 1916 would be closer to the actual date as well.

Looked it up real quick again and you guys are right, seems to be 1915 in original b&w links.

a miracle has happened today


LOVE stuff like this. Cool post!

hoe leeeeee shitttttttttt

That guy at the bottom of the foreground is so boss…:rofl