come on over...

little bit of late notice.

having some people over to the ritz (yeah newman, i forgot to mention it)
Come by if you want.

408 6575 for directions.

Bring drink. Do work.

hmmmm…havent been to the ritz since last party i blieve…o no wait, nvmd, it was that wegmans night


hmmmm…havent been to the ritz since last party i blieve…o no wait, nvmd, it was that wegmans night


oh yes, those were pre mad dog mondays.

those will be coming back soon. tehehe

i may or may not be here.

if im here, i will have a bottle of segrams 7 and some 7-up ooooo we!!


i may or may not be here.

if im here, i will have a bottle of segrams 7 and some 7-up ooooo we!!


you don’t make the party! but sometimes your scream vomiting does.


i need to witness this scream vomit.


dex and eviljay totally kissed on the lips. and i left my crunk at the ritz. uhg.


dex and eviljay totally kissed on the lips. and i left my crunk at the ritz. uhg.




Fuck mad dog mondays. I love them and I want them back. Have fun children, don’t get too out of hand… by that i mean, don’t let jam die.

jam scream vomited.
brian move home. mad dog mondays are hopefully coming back. hopefully minus the violent mario tennis, but with eviljay and jam who knows.
and jay you already have n00dz! don’t be greedy. tehehe

Agreed, Haenszel needs to move back.

good time last night!,

cops suck