Common internet spellings that piss you off

CamEro… pisses me off.

Pretty much anything from 88slomaro,’’’’,’,.,;.,;m;lk’;

pete used to say cams HAHAHA

ssmokinss too.


FAIL. lol

Another off spelling topic, but any comment left on YouTube.

also the word “tints”

ex. my car got dem dar dark tints

agree on the “tintz”

were instead of we’re

their: they’re: there

ya’ll, ain’t

body kit< aero

“are you a drifter” “do you drift that shit” any FWD owner using the word DRIFT

they could drift in reverse :stuck_out_tongue:

hahah but then they couldnt steer

I hate intentional misspellings like teh and dony.

I cannot stand when people talk about doing things to they’re cars and you can tell that they don’t know shit, but they continue to blab on an on about parts that are not even made for they’re car, tools.

+1!! and to further that point… When people list their mods for their cars, why do people put “future mods” or “coming soon”… If its not on your car or already done to your car it dosent fucking matter… I dont care what you plan on doing to you car, Untill i actually see it done youre just blowing smoke out of your ass. Anyone can come up with a modlist thats 3 pages long then say “oh, theyre all future mods i plan on doing”

Or putting your future car in your sig kramerbuccs style :rofl

I agree with you in a way, but it’s also nice to see what people plan on doing with the car. If it’s something ridiculous you know they won’t have the monayz for then I see what you mean, but if someone says like coilovers, bolt ons, and basic shit like that then I don’t have a problem with it. It really depends.

just wait and see, mah n*****, just wait and see


with the handbrake, maybe? lol i’ll have to try it sometime :ninja, shit would be confusing though.

oh, and calling the handbrake the e-brake. that’s a minor thing, but still kinda gets to me

The hand brake isn’t the emergency brake? What the hell is the emergency brake?

Who calls it a handbrake? Its always been e-brake to me.