Common internet spellings that piss you off

Parking brake makes more sense to me. Some are not hand operated.

Actually, IMO and IIRC kinda bother me now that I think of it… duno why. Just do.

it’s a fuckin e-brake or emergency brake…who the fuck calls it a “handbrake”?..there’s a new one that pisses me off.

I agree with that to an extent, if someone has cash and they just don’t feel it necessary or are waiting for something to get other mods and say what they’re future mods are, then so be it, but if the person is listing shit that they wish they had and stuff they want…that’s stupid, like hooked on 240’s huge list of “future mods”.

You flashing a “future car” is quite dumb, you don’t have it so what are you trying to do here? Show everyone that you might be getting an E36 M3? woohoo! wait until you have it, then flash it.

anyone who responds with just a smiley

pulling the “e brake” is the last thing you would do in an emergency :retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap:retardclap :down :rofl:rofl:rofl

i’m not “flashing” it, and i have no idea why you keep on trying to ridicule me for saying what car i’m getting next :vlad:vlad:vlad

If my regular brakes fail, I’m going to declare an emergency and proceed to use the e-brake.

I’d just hit whatever I was gonna hit, 5 star crash test rating and an engine that’s worth $400 (literally), I’ll take my chances :rofl

Not like Joey’s “e brake” works anyways :smiley:

actually if everyone wants to get technical. there is no such thing as an emergancy brake for atlease the past 50 or so years… An “Emergancy Brake” had a band that clamped around the drive shaft and stopped the car by stopping the drive shaft… When its connected to the Brakes of a car its considered a parking brake… Meant to be applied when the car is parked… nothing to do with emergancys


I understand that.

i would be one of those people :up (just minor :retardclapness)

so over used my 42 year old father keeps saying it and i want to murder him now haha :bh:


your when you’re is supposed to be used

any of the your you’re stuff
and just spelling ingeneral.

hank :shifty

NO SHIFTY anymore???

The parking brake.

you are the king of the your thing… “your an idiot”

riiiight… :squint

You made the thread man… not me :blbl: