Rant o' the day

Sample thread:

WTF is with people making a post with one huge ass paragraph?

For fucks sake, don’t some of you people know how to puncuate,
grammaticate, hypenate, vocabulate and linebreak?


I don’t even read those threads.

I open them, and if they “appear” to be written by an idiot - I close them.

This may be completely close-minded and may offend some folks…but whatever.

Well, I’m glad you took the opportunity to click on my thread.

Its to test your reading skills…

Ex. “killa_snake” post in that thread, goes on for 15 lines or so, basically its a test to see if you read without missing any lines.


at least its not one sentence – run-on style


Yeah, I agree with that you have stated in your post. I also do not like it
when people fail to use proper grammar to make threads easy to read.


will sorry some pip do not no how to spill like ethers like me that is y i like to call pip and and us the computer thats all

how is it that you spell THAT badly tho… its awful. .as though you are not even making an attempt to spell correctly.


I personally hate it when people say “my .02 cents” It’s TWO cents dumbass, or .02 DOLLARS. This isn’t all that related, but if you’re ranting, I’m gonna rant too :stuck_out_tongue:

I hate it when people say “minus well” instead of “might as well” and I hate when people say “i could care less”… it’s “I couldN’T less” you idiots!"

PS - I hate when people say, “I hate people who say” instead of, “I hate when people say”. Even though it might be true, its assholeish :slight_smile:

Ahahaha! You forgot to type care! I got you! I got you good! I am ALL that is MAN!


Haha you remembered. Good times, good times indeed.

Hah, I think I remember me musing $0.02 (but I don’t know if I appended it with “cents”)

Don’t forget

YOUR instead of YOU’RE
COULD OF instead of COULD’VE

YOUR and YOU’RE both mean different things gonad.

Your not going to believe me when I say that I did not know that.

You’re not going to believe me when I say that I did not know that.[/quote]

You’re not going to believe me when I say that I did not know that.[/quote][/quote]


PSS - I hate it when people say, “for fuck sakes” instead of “for fucks sake”

It’s PPS dumb ass.