Yes but at the same time, John, i researched thoroughly and lurked for a long time before posting.
I was on FreshAlloy way before i bought my Kouki. Same goes for my first car. Granted i asked ricey questions, but nothing technical that could be easily found. ANd back then i didn’t have the luxury of Google. I had to deal with Lycos. :o
forums are one of the great resources we have available to us today to use.
if the guys at 240sxforums (where i started) were all assholes like people here when I asked retarded questions then i probably would have said fuck this and bought a civic or something.
in fact, until i went to a bings meet and actually met a few people I remember being under the impression that 240 owners were cocky fucks
i guess i still do sort of think that - I just dont hang out with that brand of 240 owner
Yeah, times have changed and information is all over the net. I’d hate to hold someone’s hand through everything 240. There is no excuse for just being lazy.
You shoulda just done that… we don’t want ricers of your likes around here… with the ricer engine mods you do… and the fwd offset wheels you buy… not to mention you bring NOTHING of value to the club whatsoever. …Sheesh!
I agree, there should be something we can do… but really… kids these days have no respect… for authority, or a car club forum’s rules…
I just lerked here for a year before posting more than a WTB: Kouki thread… coarse I was like 24 then…
On the other hand, people here are assholes. I will admit that I have made my share of newb bashing comments.
There’s bitterness and a condescending attitude behind some of the thread-locking and comments made etc, and that’s what really causes the issues when they do arise.
We’ve got to stop and remember why the forum is actually here. I remember when seeing several 240’s in a row was a mind-blow for me, now it’s just fun.
We’ve also got to remember that different people have different tastes. So if someone’s got chrome rims with bad offsets and you hate them, let it go.
But anyway, people who ask questions that have so obviously been answered far too many times (ie. “how much for an SR swap?”) need to be kindly told to look around (perhaps with a link suggestion) and have the thread promptly locked.
One other thing, the rules need to be read and followed by all, so if you’re new then that becomes your responsibility. The mods are not going to have any mercy when the rules are blatantly ignored, and nor should they.
Well, we should crack down on members that are making fun of n00bs. Like warn them, and if they don’t listen ban for a week. When a n00b asks a retarded question, the only people posting in there should be ONE moderator or admin to tell them to google it, or link to another thread, etc… The reason why I say ONE is b/c I’ve seen people unlock a thread to throw a one liner in and lock it up again. That’s pure hypocrisy and ultra-annoying, so plz avoid it.
And before the trademark SONTOOL40SX (haha… it’s catchy!) remark gets dropped in by someone, YEA, I KNOW I DO IT TOO. It doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be stopped.
You shoulda just done that… we don’t want ricers of your likes around here… with the ricer engine mods you do… and the fwd offset wheels you buy… not to mention you bring NOTHING of value to the club whatsoever. …Sheesh![/quote]
I’m with John 100%, I really don’t get the need to be an asshole, doesn’t it make you feel all tingly inside when you help a noob out? And the guy in the T5 thread seemed liek a genuinely nice guy who was just posting what he heard, is it really that hard to say something like “What do you mean by the T5 turbo??” or osmething so that he does more reasearch instead of being complete dicks ??
^^ Yah. Just like someone in the thread mentioned “T5” may have either been referring to a turbo from a T5 volvo.
Mark, I’m not going to go through the archives to find people acting harshly … I just know that whenever I see this type of thing I wonder who these people think they are to talk down to people like they do. Making fun of someone because they don’t know as much about a specific subject as you is just silly - especially when you know nothing about them. Maybe they’re 14 and just learning, maybe they’re 29 and an MIT graduate.
I agree that people shouldn’t just ask about every last little thing, but people need to consider that the newbies asking these questions wouldn’t be asking the questions if they understood that it wasn’t acceptable to do so. As well, they likely dont realize the stupidity of some of the questions.
I realize that there are a lot of stupid questions being asked, but at the same time what I don’t understand is why people get agitated about it and post nonsense in those thread - just IGNORE THEM. Don’t post your ignorant opinion in someone’s thread that doesn’t call for an opinion - that’s all it comes down to.
I’m probably guilty of this the odd time as well but some people are just out of hand and definitely not to the agressive extent that some people take it.
anyways, i remember there was this incident where i had a loose engine mount and some guy said , oh that was so obvious, why are u asking such a stupid thing (something of that nature). but i didn’t think it was stupid since im not mechanically inclined and a sound from a car can come from anything.
but neways, i think most of the guys who talk shit on the forums are the ppl who shy away from ppl in real life. they want to feel like they have the power but cant do it and say it to someones face so they say it on the net. its all about ego and some ppl gotta grow up. if its a stupid question, why take ur time and say omfg u noob, go search. just ignore the post and carry on.
and i would say a large amount of the ppl on this forum when they talk online, are nothing like it when u meet them in person.
thats just my 2cents.
i came here as a noob and still am, but u learn along the way.