Banning Bashers!!

Just a thought but I think there should be some kind of punishment for forum geeks that just search the forum for people to bash and threads to put down (ie warning, temperary ban, permanent ban). I’m sure you’ve heard this comment before but all the childish bullsh!t is giving this forum a bad rep. I know when someone puts up a retarded thread they need to know they’ve done something stupid; thats not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the people that never have something smart or helpful to say, all they do is fill this forum with their written diarrhea and bash other people’s cars. These people should grow some balls and post pics of their car (if they even have one), that way we can have a look at what they roll in. Perhaps they need our input on how fu(kin retarded their mods are and how gay their cars look.

I personally haven’t been ridiculed for my input but I’m sure I speak for the majority when I say I’m getting sick of this childish nonsense.

Don’t let a couple idiots ruin a perfectly good car club.

‘boba240’ comes to mind…

Yea, bashers are friggin imba, they should be either banned, or nerfed b/c the 1.5sec stun is too unfair. Even though two don’t stack perfect, the % bash becomes high enough that you permastun the other guy if your aspd is high enough.

x2 … time for him to get banned.

I wouldn’t call it bashing … I would call it constructive criticism hahah. What really makes me laugh is how worked up everyone on this site gets when any negative comment comes their way! That’s why I do it, because I’m sorry whether you think so or not most of the cars on this site are pure shit and people go nuts if you tell them the truth.


he bashed my thread, amd i dont even know this guy

ide like to see his car so we can give some ‘constructive critisism’

Its because Matty your car is shit. Post a nice car and then I wont have to comment on it.


can we see your car now?

thats like the third time youve been asked

To go on a forum to simply bash others cars shows you are not a car enthusiast you are a poser. Real Automotive enthusiasts can appreciate different makes, models, stages of modification etc. Just because not everyone has $50,000 to drop on modifying there cars doesnt mean you can go and talk down about there vehicle. Just about every person on these forums works very hard for there money so they can have a car.

People need to grow up and respect each other, all of this bashing crap needs to stop.

I understand your point, but respectfully disagree. I guess I’ve been absent from this site as of late, so I have no clue who the hell Boba240 is, but there are a large number of individuals on here, that are best described as “ricers”, not as “enthusiasts”. Their main concerns are how others perceive their vehicle and what that speaks about their social status. For example, having really “baller” rims, and poor alignment are seen as status symbols. I used to bash a lot of people on things like this, but I realized that they will forever be ricers, and I don’t care to waste my time anymore. However, with that being said, I LOVE it when Mark (Fobwall) calls 'em out for the riceboy they really are. I’ve never read any of Boba240’s posts, but if he rags on the 16 year old gangsta wannabees, then here’s one person supporting him STAYING on this site.

Boba240 drives a ferrarri we all know that… comeon now, hes internet elite bow down. Hes so elite he “hates” on 240s on a 240sx forum which gives him uber elite status max…

Actually hes pretty pathetic.

… right nice attempt at being funny? witty? I dont understand where you were going with that… nice try though…

Thank you Solarian I’m glad someone understands my point.

this is true, people that have the money to buy expensive parts so thier car becomes “baller” status often let it go to thier heads so they think that b/c they have this sh!t they are someone to hand out critisism to someone they know nothing about for doing what they want to thier car and not what they did. maybe my parts arn’t expensive and the best name brand, don’t mean they wont work, and i wont enjoy puttin them on my car.

i was told to drop the girl and focus soley on my car if i want it “baller”, i’m sorry but i’m not gonna become a loner and obsess over my car so that it meets your “baller” status. my car was already baller status stock. i’m proud every time i walk outside and see my car. i love that car.

i get bashed b/c i yelled at a guy bashing someone else that isn’t even here to stick up for himself. “Real Automotive enthusiasts can appreciate different makes, models, stages of modification etc” a chevy powered 240, u either like it or hate it, but there is no reason to call the builder/owner of it an idiot or stupid. he can’t be either if he put this car together. if u don’t like it then say u don’t like it and maybe why. but don’t hate on him for building it.

as for hating on me, i’m replacing broken or worn parts with mod’s. exp. worn to shit rotor’s replacing with new drilled and steel lines for added performance and it doesn’t cost anything for shipping on the lines b/c i bought it from the same person for the same price i would have paid to buy 2 rotors from napa.

what is wrong with that?!?!? saving money and buying better then stock parts. perhaps when i made the pg with the parts i should have explained with more detail what i was doing. i can’t afford a sr or rb right now, but maybe next year i will. i’m 22 with a s13 that has no rust. i have lots of time to mod this car. did u buy your first 240 and pimp the shit outa it in the first year? i bet half of them didn’t last a year. i’ve almost had mine for two years. it takes time and money, i’m puttin in my time and money, it might not be as much as your, but we all have to start somewhere.



Who the hell is boba240? And why is my limelight being stolen? I thought this thread was about me. :frowning:

I’d also agree the bashing has to stop but many comments have been made over time which may or may not lead back to the moderators actually doing their job because if they techincally were, then their wouldnt be people bashing threads as either the posts would be removed, threads locked or bashers banned…

But instead, people get away with it which then cases threads like this to be made so is anything really gonna change ?

how is he not banned yet? :rolleyes:

i wold still like to see his car

does he actually have it or is he full of shit? anyone seen it other then pictures?

lmao…my vote?? full of shit…iunno if he doesnt even have a 240 y the hell is he onn the site? thats reason right there to ban him becuz he comes on and calls US losers becuz we love our cars! im officially startin a petition!!!

I think Koz and Matty have crushes on me. Seems like I am all they think about.


Jaron will you be going door to door with this petition?? If so, I do hope you stop by!