Banning Bashers!!

i do have a crush on you, i cant control myself

lol sure ill stop by…along with all the rest of the SON members…we’ll throw u a farewell party? hows that…pack u off and send u to like the Honda Forums or sumtiN!..we’ll even bring u a cake and a male stripper!

this is horrible
What i dont know is why people make posts asking what they think about parts that they think they might buy as long as the rest of the forum agrees that its a good look.
Buy your shit. Make it look how you want it.
And posting in matty’s thread bout how his car is shit, is pointless, how about everyone who replys to a post now has to say what ever the other guy said or has for sale is shit? would that make us all happy?
This club has amost 5k members, not even a thousand of them are active.
I say someone needs to fire up the Ban wagon

i do agree ^, you shouldn’t need “approval” from SON members on what looks good. it’s up to you wether it looks good or not. buy it b/c u like it not b/c someone said it looks cool. opinions are nice, but don’t buy it b/c of the opinions, it’s urs that matters.

for the ppl that are inactive. there should be a limit to how long ur account can sit inactive. this will clear up some user names some ppl might wanna use that havn’t been used in years. just a suggestion.

You don’t need approval from SON members on what looks good, but everyone always asks “Hey guys, what rims should I buy?” As hard as we try to deny it, we are part of a forum populated by a bunch of posers, and it’s never gonna be anything but. We are the new breed of ricer, Rice V2.0 if you will. Back in the day ricers were people that did things that were all show and no go, and now we are doing all the mods that are the most “hardcore”, and then park it infront of Lovegetty so that others can see how baller our solid subframe bushings are.

Oo A Party! I enjoy those and please make sure the cake is icecream preferably chocolate however, I think Matty and Koz would enjoy the male stripper much more then myself. That’s an interesting suggestion in moving to the Honda forum however, I have never owned one or ever will so what’s the point?? The only reason I ever joined this forum is because every time I met someone with a 240 when I had my 240 they told me to join so I did.

… and I’m loving every minute of it!

me too :smiley:

me and boba are best buds now

lol wow this did a 180 lol

im joking, i dont know him and he doesnt know me, but im not going to sit here and argue about this

i find it funny how if u havn’t spent 20 g on ur 240 your not a tuner, your just a ricer and a poser. money doesn’t make u a tuner. ur baller parts don’t make u a tuner. ur know how and experiance makes you a tuner. i am not a tuner by any means, but i’m also not a poser or a ricer. the same ppl that are saying we need to stop bashing are the ones bashing… i got bashed for no reason, gettin called a ricer b/c i didn’t drop 20 g, and my parts arn’t from a store, and they aren’t the best name brand. big fucking deal, does my parts effect you in anyway? i didn’t think so. ppl need to stop judging ppl. if u don’t like something then say it, but no need to cut ppl down for it. it’s no wonder y there is only 750 active ppl, the rest propbably got bashed by you guys and left, i don’t blame them. if ur not rich and don’t have a "baller"240 on this site ur no one and get bashed. everyone has to start at the bottem, unless your already loaded. everyone quit hating and appreciate the fact that ppl are interested in learn and come here for thier info. you ppl have done lots of amazine stuff with your 240’s and set an example in the 240 sence, then u judge b/c they ask your opinion on parts or something they wanna do.

quit hating.


Darkside, you are an idiot and you completely missed what Solarian said.

Our new breed of 240 owners always want the most hardcore shit on their cars. I.e “Track series coilovers, FULL multilink suspension in the front and a rear, r-compounds, z32 brakes, etc” But those people who have all that shit on their cars just bring it to a weekly 240 meet to show their parts off. They don’t even make use of their parts.

It’s not even about buying cheap shit or fake shit or anything like that. The mentality on son now is if you buy good shit then that’s all that matters.

Half the people on this site want 300whp and more than half of them want an rb25, rb26 and 400whp just to show off at a meet.

I think it’s a waste of money getting full multilink and brakes if you don’t even plan on bringing your car to the track.

At least getting a stock SR or something is somewhat fun since you can boost it on the street. However, you will find yourself speeding a lot of the time if you don’t pay attention to the speedo.

Stop getting 8 pot brakes if you don’t bring your car to the track. Stop being an Ahmed.

I think this is going to be my new saying, I will no longer use the word “ricer”. “Ahmed” will be my new saying.

who the fuck wants to be called a ‘tuner’? that’s the gayest sh!t ever… :confused:

i only quoted him b/c i like what he said and it’s true.

this new breed of 240 owners come from nfs. they played the game say it was an awsome car and bought one. now they want all the high end shit ur talking about on thier cars for no reason other then to say they have it, i agree.

i didn’t buy a “10” link suspention, or z32 brakes. i don’t need that shit, not yet. i have no track so i have no track parts. everything i bought, i bought for a reason. my motor is broken and has no balls, hense the motor upgrades, i’ve already been thro the rotors, and clutch, stuts are seized, so i bought new ones and adj coil over springs to lower the car for drifting/cruise’n and raise it for driving in SASK(if u have ever been u will know why). this makes me a poser and a ricer, even tho i am not doing the things that u say make a ricer? i did it b/c thats what i want.

i don’t go to meets, we dont have any. i want more performance and better handling. i would buy a sr or a rb simply b/c it’s more powerful and would be nice to have the balls. then it would be worth it for me to go to the track, i would drive the 4-5 hours. but with a ka it’s not worth it. i would have more fun with a sr or rb. but i can’t afford either so i don’t have either.

so if ur not a tuner, ur not a ricer and not a poser wtf are you? your quick to label everyone else. it really doens’t matter what u wanna call yourself.

if u were any kind of car ppl you would appreciate the stuff some of these ppl are doing, and maybe u can remember back to a time when u were doing the little shit, b4 ur sr, z32 brakes and all that shit, when u first started with nothing but a stock 240.

i’m looking forward to puttin this stuff on my car, i’m taking care of maintenance and puttin mods on at the same time. i figured i was off to a good start and would have a pretty good foundation to build on. without spending 4-5 g. i’ve spent about 1500-2g since april, thats cuttin all my pay cheques in half and spending it on parts for my car.

i just don’t see how i am a ricer, or a poser.

There are a lot of posers on SON. And I’m one of them.

Finally, you said something I can agree on.

Just because it’s a 240sx forum does not imply that people have to track their car.

If I bought a porsche 911 and never took it to the track, would you call me a poser?

What if you want your car to drive like a high end sports car and can only afford a 240sx?

Why not put coilovers/multi-link and big brakes on, it’s cheaper, isn’t it?

Sure, I can go out a buy a 944/924 and have a somewhat well handling car but the cost of repairs is much greater then a 240sx.

Isn’t a 240sx a good platform? Small 2-door rear wheel drive car with easy power upgrades? OK aftermarket but a serious amount of fun to drive around.

I bought my first 240sx in 1999 because it was fun to drive and better on gas then Mustang 5.0L’s. I didn’t buy it because I wanted to track it or make it into a full race car.

To the bashers, you will be dealt with. Boba, you have been warned once before.

Someone from Manitoba. And I thought Kitchener/Waterloo was bad.

Honestly dude, if you don’t like the site, give up, you can’t change it or the people on here.

ban boba… hes plain stupid… no ethics…

Nobody ever said that you do. People should not be ridiculed for not tracking their car, racing your car on a track takes balls, and lots of money, and it’s not for everyone. The problem is when people want to mimic those that track their cars, without ever attending a trackday. Having your car handle and behave on the street like a high end car does NOT require race parts at all. A set of Silkroads or the basic Stances both set on full soft are great for the street. They’ll give you the handling you want and good street manners as well. On the other hand getting the 3-way, external reservoir Stances, or something ridiculous like Motons or Ohlins, for a car that will never see track duty, well… you need to be bitch-slapped for that.
Want good braking? Get 180SX brakes, or if you want the “look” get Z brakes, with HPS pads, and you’ll have a great street combo. But Stoptechs all around, with HP+ or better for the street? HP+ take some time to get into their heat range, they’re actually BAD for the street, because that first time you need them, before they get warmed up, they won’t stop very well at all.
I could go on and on, honestly… People DON’T want performance, they want STATUS, that’s all they give a shit about. If they wanted performance, you’d see them out on the track, working on improving their line and getting more seat time in.

does it really matter that i’m from manitoba, i’ sure i saw someone from alberta… thats even further. either way, i own a 240 just the same as you do. just b/c i don’t live in your area doesn’t mean i don’t love my 240 and would like to learn from ppl that know thier shit.

i never said i didn’t like this site, i was just very confused as to how i am a ricer. i’m not modding my car for flash or status, i want more power from a lacking motor.

u talk about changing brakes all the time, but no one ever mentions the brake lines. you guys swap up to these big brakes and leave your stock lines on? if somethign was to fuck up that would probably be the first thing to go… i’ve blown a few in my day. i can’t afford Z brakes, not to mention the conversion parts as well. so i got drilled rotors and steel brake lines. i always buy the best pads from napa. i think there is 3 different set’s. oem, life time warrenties(never get them!!) and performance. i know it’s napa what kinda performance could it have, but in all honesty, when i first switched the pads on this car i did all 4 with those performance ones, and it made a pretty big difference in stopping power! add rotors and lines, you should be able to stop pretty fast even using stock calipers. keep in mind my car will not see a track for a long time. so z brakes are something i need.

i say if those ppl wanna go and spend that kinda money on those “show” parts and not use them, let them, thats alot of money wasted, thier stupid just for wasting thier money not only buying those “baller” parts!