Is it just me? *Flame suit on*

What do people have to do to prove themselves on this board…and most importantly…why the hell should they have to?

Obviously there is a wealth of knowledge from many members of this board. That is a fact. This can be a good thing, or it can turn into an all out school yard peni.s size contest.

I’m not trying to pick a fight with all you “seasoned veterans” as I clearly would not be able to win as my car isn’t JDM enough. I’m merely pointing out something that should be bloody obvious.

NOT EVERYONE IS AS “SMART” AS YOU. :roll: If your goal is to make people feel smaller and inferior to you, then some of you deserve medals. Sure, stupid questions are asked over and over again…deal with it, it’s the…wait for it…INTERNET. I get frustrated with it along with the rest of you, I hate answering it over and over again, at the same time, I am capable of asking a stupid question. Everyone was a noob once.

I am no stranger to internet message boards. (I don’t know if that makes my point more or less vaild) I’ve been posting on automotive forums since before many of you “elite” members had their balls drop and took an interest in playing with your willies.

The search function is a great tool. It’s also an imperfect tool and unless someone knows exactly what to search for, it is hit or miss. Remember, not everyone knows how to use these functions as well as some of you. They try, but ajust don’t have as much experience.

It’s also okay to like something different from you. We don’t ALL want to build clone cars. Opinions mean a lot. POST COUNT DOES NOT MEAN SHIITEE. Some of you guys that presume to know so much spout literal poo poo verbal diareah. You don’t have a clue about it except for what you read on the next message board.

Oh wow, noobs are excited about silly little things that you are now “above and better” than. A noob “discovers” an SR20DET is availabe in TO. Lets make him feel really stupid. None of you ever felt that way? None of you ever learned things about your car “culture” and got happy and giddy. They ask the same questions that you asked when you first got into 240’s. Cry me a river make a sticky in every forum then. Don’t want to answer, then don’t.

Bottom line, don’t be such pricks. Be nice, play nice. Who wants help from someone who talks down at them? Who the hell wants to give money to be part of a club that only accepts you if you are a “cool” kid? Relax a little. Enjoy it, just don’t make your enjoyment lording your all knowing uber cool jdm tyte smug ass comments on other people.

I realize that I don’t have a very high post count, or know many of you personally. I have known some on this board for more than 4 years…some I have just met. Some of you guys ARE STELLAR. Always willing to help, are funny, gracious and downright good people. I enjoy meeting more of you and look forward to it. Some of you guys need to get your head out of your bumholes.

Take what I have said with a grain of slat, I know there are holes in what I wrote and you could pick it apart all day long…and guess what? You’d be right of course. I’m okay with that.

Just had to let it out.


Ronnie Fung.

i (most likely hypocritically) agree 100%

the problem is the majority of us are kids and kids are by nature assholse. Otherforums like clublexus have a more mature base that are more patient and understanding with newbs, and are more empathentic towards others.

I’m a hypocritical asshole who thinks poorly upon anyone who knows nothing about cars, so soon to forget that for most of my life, I knew nothing either.

Sorry :frowning:

One of the big problems I find is many of the members feel the mods are
too nazi like and think they can do whatever they please.

hmm with comments like this:

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 1:42 am Post subject:

Ugh, i hate noobs.


i wonder why…

lets see how you guys respond to this guy’s post…

i think we should be more forgiving to noob questions ,but many times i see the same style post on the same page twice, and that kinda makes me wonder.

but all in all since we had the new mods ive noticed alot less bullsh!t goin on,
p.s. its been along time since ive heard the words “poo poo” lol


I have noticed the greater number of noobs that completely have no regard, are lazy and have no intention of finding stuff out. They would rather someone feed it to them like baby food.

When I was a noob on these boards quite a few years ago, I did not post some idiotic question untill before I searched. Still to this day I search on other American board before I even post to be damn sure it hasn’t been covered yet.

Furthermore, when most of us veterans came on these boards, we did alot more reading and going out to meets then posting. I remember most of the time I had no idea what was being discussed so I just oberserved instead of posting something that makes absolutely no sense.

Also, on many occasions, noobs have come on the boards and told either a mod or an abviously knowledged person how to go about things.

Thats my $.02.
Not all noobs are like this, I know quite a few that are great guys, and carry themselves well.


hmm with comments like this:

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 1:42 am Post subject:

Ugh, i hate noobs.


i wonder why…

lets see how you guys respond to this guy’s post…



id also like to point out the new lack of BS on the board.

given we mods are assholes some of the time but honestly 99% of the questions asked on the board are simple quesions that can be answered by using google or the FA forums…

ill point out again that i think ive asked all of 2 questions about the 240 since i got here and have only had the car since may.

nehoo this has been discussed at lenght before



i am getting a ton of pm’s and people adding me to msn asking some pretty basic stuff.

of course everyone has to learn somewhere, but i started out knowing absolutely nothing about cars at all. heck i still dont know very much, but i did do a ton of research on line for these cars and that is where the majority of my knowledge came from.

noobs should be encouraged to search.

asking simple questions gets simple answers and isnt likely to learn anyone anything.

even when i have questions i do basic searches on other boards first.

but i agree that we should not be so short with most people.

instead we should politely direct their inquiries towards google and the like

hmm with comments like this:

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 1:42 am Post subject:

Ugh, i hate noobs.



Are you kidding me? Look at the thread in question. “Are 240sx good cars”

Give me a break. Do you expect me to leave that thread open, and have this guy post more inane questions?

PM me if you want.

I would open this thread back up, because I think this issue is something
we should discuss.

However we have a thread for stuff like this, please feel free to post any
further comments in the “Issues with SON” thread…

Here’s a link to make everyone’s life that much easier:

I appreciate any info, (even if it may come across as whining) its
important to know how you guys feel about the way the club is being run.