Complete teacher sex with student list


Some of them aren’t that bad looking. I wouldn’t say a word if my teacher looked like Debra LaFave and wanted to screw. :dunno:

yea some of them are hot.

Julia Lund looks like an alien, and what poor poor kid got tangled up with Heather Lea Burroughs?

Wow, that is messed up.

Good find Warden.

Good find

how come chad is always finding the sex offenders? :scared:



but where are their phone numbers???

WTFBBQ??? Who the fuck names someone Cameo Patch? On top of the what kind of respectable school district hires a teacher named that. Her face looks plastic…

haha, i like the bottom…

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I would fuck the shit out of Cameo Patch. No doubt.

There was a hot ass teacher at my school that I would have undoubtedly fucked. I remember for one of our football games, all the teachers got to wear a jersey of one of the players. She wore mine. It was fucking lovely. Damn, I woulda railed the shit out of her.

i wish i had a few teachers like that. high school would’ve been way more educational

Teresa Engelbach:yum:

he is waiting for his name to apear

My question is, who the fuck is the dumb ass that complains???

all the ones molested by the fat ugly teachers complain… the hot ones get caught when the kid brags.

I’d make Angela Comer!

x2…shit i wouldn’t have bragged…woulda kept my screwin to myself…and i would have had the highest grade in the class ftmfw

With all these teachers that have been caught and arressted, just think about the number of kids that are smart and don’t complain lol. All through High school I wondered why I never got lucky and had a teacher like that at my school. :frowning: