Computer peoplesss (Netbook Suggestions)

Ok im thinking of picking up a netbook in March. These are the three I have narrowed it down to.

I would like some input from people that know computer technology.

The Asus is the winner spec wise. I’d go with that one.

EDIT: Sorry, Acer lol. I’m tired. Thanks 91240.

Just based on the CPU speeds the Acer is the better of the three.

They are all very close, for me it would be betwen Acer and Lenovo. 10 hour battery life is very nice, but Lenovo might be better quality (not 100% sure on that anymore). Acer seems to have the better FSB and chipsets, I’d probably go with them.

Are you on crack?

Now the real question i realize that it is a NETbook used for internet. I occasionally download music to my external harddrive would one of these be ok for the occasional cd download?? i dont save the music to the PC/laptop right to the harddrive. the only thing that on the computer would be the download program (i.e Azurus Vuze)

Pwn’d? :lol

Def the Lenovo as second choice.

Typo. Fixed original post. I’m medicated (sick). I blame it on that lol.

<------- Owned

It should be fine

I just dont wanna download a one cd and have the thing run like a bag of balls.

I’d wait for the new Acer Netbook to come out with HDMI and dual core Atom.

Nah you’ll be fine. It won’t run like a bag of balls from MP3’s…unless you download ones that are infested with virus’. Then it would.

CCleaner (once a month) + Spybot Search and Destroy (once a month) + good Anti-Virus = No problems. Ever.

OP doesn’t need that much power, but I’m interested in seeing those as well.

acer is the worst company out of them all

ya thats what i thought…

but after buying a simple laptop for my mom this past christmas, its not that bad. ya there sold at walmart… but there not meant to be ANY type of gamer computer. They are good for what they are…

Alienware. Do et.

lenovos are more business end, and asus made netbooks standard