Computer program to play Jeopardy


Google is probably shitting their pants right now.

ibm and jeopardy… my two favorite things.

That is the dumbest thing ever…

Here let me parse google results and answer questions :lol:

This is like having a spelling contest against a dictionary

Why would google be shitting their pants?

this is really cool. It’s a great way to show the power of a computer. When they did it with chess, it seemed too easy. The peices only moved in certain directions/ patterns, and it should be relativity easy for a personal computer to beat any person these days.

I wonder if they have supercomputers that simulate battles during times of war to come up with the best strategy. Or maybe one to help find binladen. That is what IBM should be working on, they would become kind of heros.

if you were to type jeopardy questions into google, you think it would come up with the right answer?

a lot of jeopardy questions aren’t that easy

Chess is another game where it isn’t as easy as it looks to have a computer do it. I had a professor at UB who’s research was focused on building the perfect chess player via computer. He is a brilliant professor who has studied taught at Ivy league universities.

The human mind is VERY powerful.

Jeopardy is based on facts not some mathematical strategy like chess or war simulators…

All this would be is a computer looking up facts against some database humans can’t compete with that.

have you watched a lot of jeopardy? It’s based on facts, but the way the “answers” are stated, the questions are difficult to understand and require you to read between the lines…and FAST

I’d be willing to bet round 1 would go to the computer every time, but round 2 is where the real brilliants shine.

because this will make for a much better search engine providing a correct answer, not word search based results.

IBM is not interested in breaking into the search engine business…They make their money elsewhere

We have been using sample jeopardy questions and running them through google and parsing the results for a while this morning…with some decent programming logic it doesn’t seem to bad.

Look out Ken Jennings, Big Blue is coming after you!

so you cant sell programs to other companies?

Of course you can…but who in their right mind would sell something that could conquer google? Something of that magnitude is usually kept in-house. The time/money spent on a google-killer project could likely never be re-couped in a one-time sale…it would be like selling off an entire division/company. What google has, is extraordinary. It is nothing short of that. Just because the only thing you see, is a little white text-box, doesn’t mean that the engine behind is only some insignificant amount of code. What they’ve built takes enormous numbers of engineering hours, hardware, resources, etc… It’s not something you just build up with a 10 person team, then sell to another company. To compare a niche AI project to the Google search engine is almost a slap in the face to google.

it being google, or this? the other problem with using old jeopardy “questions” is that they might already be in some database. The whole idea is that it can take a “question” that no one has ever heard before, read between the lines, and come up with the correct “answer”. Something like this would really help robots understand women.

Watson killing it

the second video really shows how difficult the logic is on this

nice. thanks for the vid