computer wont reconize speakers

ok my pc has a sound card that i dont wanna use bc i wanna put a video card in its place. the problem is when i take out the sound card and put the jack in the sound spot on my motherboard it wont pick up the speakers. im running vista. i even tryed uninstalling the sound card drivers to see if it would work and nothing. what else should i try?

did you do a windows update? That might help install the latest drivers.

Check if the onboard sound is disables in the device list or possibly in the BIOS…

Restart your computer…

Check to make sure sound isn’t muted.

lol thx it wont even recanise there are speakers pluged in

speakers turned on?

There’s a whole bunch of things that could be causing this. First, go into the sound section of the control panel and see if it even lists a device. If not, onboard sound is probably disabled in the BIOS. If something is listed, check the device manager and make sure it’s not flagged with a question mark or an exclamation point. Also, make sure you have the most current driver for the hardware, and check to see if there are any pertinent microsoft updates or hotfixes.

i have the most updated software and where do i go to BIOS to see if onboard sound is enabled

restart the computer…press DELETE…the screen should say which button to press. Browse through there and see if you can find anything on the Onboard or Integrated Sound. Enabled it

To enter the BIOS simply reboot the machine and spam the BIOS entry key. The key varies by manufacturer - but it should tell you in a little message on the bottom of the screen when you first boot. F2 or DEL are by far the most common. It will usually be under a heading labeled “Chipset Features” or something of the sort. If you want I can remote into the machine and have a look around and make sure it’s not a software issue. I’ve only got about 20 minutes before I’m busy watching heroes though.

ok did the bios everything looked good. maybe the onboard sound shorted out thats y there is a sound card now?

It’s possible that there’s something physically wrong with the audio chip. I would look for the chip on the board and try and force a driver install. Some hardware isn’t recognized before the driver is installed. More than likely it’s a realtek chip and will have a part number starting with “RTL” or “ALC” - and will have a picture of a little crab on it. With that part number you can go to the manufacturer site and download the appropriate driver. Your best bet for testing it would be to download a linux live-cd like Ubuntu or knoppix (Ubuntu is probably the easiest). Looking back at your first post, what kind of video card do you have that uses the same slot as a sound card? A soundblaster card should be a PCI-E 1x at most, or a PCI. Knowing the parts you’re trying to make work (soundcard, video card and motherboard) would be a real plus in sorting this out. Can you list the part numbers?

figured it out. not gunna post what happened but its all good

speakers weren’t on were they…

no they were

come on…spit it out…