Conclusive Evidence Velociraptor Had Feathers


Scientists say they have evidence that a ferocious dinosaur made famous by the movie Jurassic Park definitely had feathers. Experts say the dinosaur, called Velociraptor, had a wing structure just like modern birds. VOA’s Jessica Berman reports.

Well, birds did evolve from reptiles.

breaking news!

yeah… it is… hence yesterday’s article :doh:

they been saying for years on end that they think the raptor evolved into a bird like creature. pretty cool that they found evidence

think if chickens harassed the fuck out of us in todays age


Turner thinks Velociraptor might have used the feathers for show, to shield nests or to keep itself warm.

He says his team did not find quill knobs on other fossils of the bird-like carnivore, but that doesn’t mean, he said, that Velociraptor did not have feathers.

I want to get paid to find stupid ancient buried shit and make ridiculous conclusions. They find 1 bone with bumps on it, and instantly they have conclusive evidence that an entire extinct species had feathers.

What a joke. Guaranteed the government subsidizes their work, because nobody in their right mind would pay them their own money to do that work. Easy solution, some bureaucrat calls it some kind of education spending and gives all these PhD loons a bunch of our money.

there is no such thing as evolution

sure there is…There is a TON of proof of that,not on a major conversion of an animal, just minor things.

then why do fish that live in an abyss grow shit like lightbulbs on their foreheads? :rofl:

they are not evolving, just adapting… big difference

yeah yeah… that’s exactly it!!! you’re so smart… i don’t know why we don’t just let you type the news for the world… :dunno:


what are you the resident Pittspeed paleontologist?

:rofl: at people not knowing about evolution…

any devout christian would tell you that

Is it okay if I say that the earth revolves around the sun or does that make me a heathen, or a pagan, or whatever it would be? (Just adding to the non-feathered-dinosuar/bird-arguing.)