Congrats Joehawk

Joe and Christie finally had the baby this a.m !!! Good luck bro your hardest job ever was given to u today bro happy Father’s Day u got the best present ever man

Yeahhhhh buddy!


Congrads bud

Congrats bro and happy fathers day!!!


Congrats bud

Happy Fathers Day Johawk

Congrats! What a great fathers day present for you

Sounds like a great fathers day! Congrats!

grats bro, best day EVER for you

Congrats man! Enjoy the ride!

saw this on facebook. cutie!

Congrats buddy!

Congrats man. Enjoy the first few months man they go fast and ull miss it trust me

This times a million. I can’t believe my little guy is almost 10 months already. I now know as cliche as it sounds why so many parents say this same thing over and over.

Ten months? Fucks sake i thought you just had him.

Yeah dude. It’s nuts.