Happy Father's Day

Happy father’s day to all the dads.

Thanks and right back at you & all the other dads.

thanks. Leroy bought me a jingle card.

Happy fathers day to all.

Thanks and right back at you & all the other dads.

thanks you guys too. looks like it’ll be nice outside

being a father for only 5 days now, i must say it’s pretty awesome! except for the lack of sleep

congrats Jay was wondering what the status was. congrats again and happy father’s day to all the dads

Happy fathers day to those brave enough to have kids.

happy fathers day

happy fathers day to all the other dads, got a card with a beagle on it and my son spent all day making me a penguins card, cute as hell.

congrats Jay and happy father’s day to all. It was my first one.
Got a video of my boy crawling for the first time. And a couple days ago he started saying “da-da-da-da” every time he sees me.


I spent yesterday with my boys at the AWRCS dirtbike race. It was an awesome day.

happy fathers day !