To All The NYSPEED Dad's

… just want to wish all the rest of you Happy fathers day …

R.I.P. … DWL 9-9-2000

Happy Fathers Day
I love my kids.:smiley:

me and the little D-Money just got back in from the pool … he loves that damn thing …

now were all ready to take naps … Ill check in in a little bit

happy fathers day derrick

happy fathers day guys :slight_smile:

ya def happy fathers day daddies

Happy F Day.

The kiddies and I had a good time today… Had a picnic and pool party in the backyard. Good times :slight_smile:

Happy Father’s Day to everyone!

happy fathers day!!

also, Happy Day to all you babies daddies :tup:

I’d like to take this time to thank all your dads for getting it on with your moms so that you can all share this moment with me right now.

Happy Father’s day!

Happy dads day, I hope all of yours were as good as mine!!

i had a good day also …happy day to everyone else