Happy Father's Day

Happy Dad’s day to the fathers out there.

:tup: dadbros

Happy Father’s Day guys, even though I have no kids yet…

Happy fathers day to all the current daddy’s and soon to be…

I have a kid every year.

got a new set of clubs for my first fathers day :tup:

geoff i’m coming for you sucka

edit: no homo

cookout at my joint for the wife’s and my father, started this tradition after i bought the house.

Happy fathers day to all the NYSPEED daddy’s out there!!

Happy DAD day

my ex gf dad got hit by a drunk driver(believed) as he was crossing the street @ skybar last night at 4am after dj’ing

good fathers day.

Hopefully this holiday won’t apply to me for a very long period of time. That said, for those it does, have a good one.


Happy pops day to all the ones that deserve it! For the ones that don’t, wanna go out for a beer? LOL

Jake’s got good taste in gifts

Happy not a fathers day to the board members who should never pro create.