Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day to the fathers on here…I know there are a few. Have fun and stay SAFE!!!

happy fathers day :wink:

Happy albinomonkeyrat day :rofl:

J/P happy fathers day :wave:

if i have my son due in september … do i still get to celabrate fathers day today ???

I have multiple kids scattered from NY to Texas to Florida. But hopefully I can stay :snky: and I dont hear from any of the babies mamas today :rant:

NOT i already called you! get to court you scum!

Back to hell DEMON!1!

shit. :mad:

time to move out of state again. :snky:

thank you:)

I’m pissed… been working all f’n day (same with yesterday too… which really sucked because I was hung over as a son of a bitch)

happy fathers day guys