Happy fathers day

Happy father’s day to all the dad’s on the forum enjoy it with your kids and family!

Thank you, my friend. I’m just glad they have a whole day dedicated to not using proper protection, LOL

Thanks buddy.

thanks! happy fathers day to everyone too!

happy fathers day to all the fathers that have kids that actually know how to be a father…(today is a bitter day for me but it makes me happy when i see a father actually being one)

Elliot, I hear you on that man. The best thing you can possibly do is if you ever become a father, do everything for your kids that was never done for you. Best advice I can give.

Thanks fluffers and everyone else…

And happy fathers day to the other fathers on here as well

happy day to all the real dads to men …

Happy Fathers day to my fellow Dads… Enjoy your family!!

Hey meatpaws, dave the barber has been asking me where the fuck you been