Congrats to Onefastmonkey!

A big congrats to pat and his wife as they introduced 30 new fingers, 30 new toes and 3 penises into the world yesterday! Luckily they had triplets and not one crazy looking kid! Congrats buddy!

Insta family


:tup: congrats and GOOD LUCK!

Jesus! Congrats and good luck.

Wow. Congratulations.

I could not imagine 3 at a time. It will be fun though!

That’s one hell of a tax break!

Holy crap, man. Congratulations on your c-c-c-c-combo :tup:

Should we start a collection for diapers? Does he have any idea how much it will cost him over the next two years? Holy shit! (Pun intended.)

Holy shit. Congrats.

Congrats! And Good luck!

I’m having enough fun with one 9 month old now, I can’t imagine 3 babies at once!

triplets. wow.

i dont know how you guys with kids do it.

congrats and good luck!


Thanks everyone. Mom and babies are doing well. One little guy is still on a ventilator but breathing on his own and wiggling around. Ironically he was the biggest of the three. I will probably make another thread with our crazy triplet stories and throw some pictures in there.

Congrats Pat and Amy, The wife told me the good news yesterday, glad things are going okay :tup:

Should change from Onefastmonkey to Onefertilemonkey. Congrats.



Congrats! You poor bastard, I FINALLY got my 6 month old sleeping through the night about a month ago, I’d loose it with 3 babies at once. I’ve got some baby wipes you can have for free-thry didn’t agree with my sons ass-pretty much a whole case.

Congrats, that’s a whole lotta kids now!
