Convert a jpg image to vector

I am trying to experiment with a logo for our next year show and want to try and take on some of the design myself.

I want to take an actual photograph of a car and convert it into a graphic like the following. I thought Adobe made a product to do that with a few clicks a while back, but can’t find anything that could do it with the same quality.

Here is an example of what I want to make it into

BTW, that is an upcoming event that I’ll post details in the show section. Was an awesome time last year and will be even bigger this year.

no, it takes forver

Not for something of that complexity, that said it looks like it was a vector image to start.


Not for something of that complexity, that said it looks like it was a vector image to start.


It was actually made with 3 actual photographs of the 2 cars and the building in the back. Then he converted it to what it is now.

If you have the photos, I could probably do it if I get some free time.


If you have the photos, I could probably do it if I get some free time.


I’ll take you up on that. :tup:

But I do still want to learn how to do it myself (or at least try) :slight_smile:

maybe this can help you out?


maybe this can help you out?


Not thinking that will do what I need to do, but that is cool as hell.
I got other ideas for that :tup:

You can do it, I have done it with PS7 and AI9. If you don’t have Photoshop and Illustrator I dunno how well it will work.

Let me look on my comp at home for the procedure and I’ll get back to ya. :tup:


You can do it, I have done it with PS7 and AI9. If you don’t have Photoshop and Illustrator I dunno how well it will work.

Let me look on my comp at home for the procedure and I’ll get back to ya. :tup:


I have the software, of course :slight_smile: I work at a computer store.
I never really got to dabble with Illustrator much though.

Basically what I am doing is the graphic for our 2008 event. But the cars are going to be a mullet wearing guys dream, a 69 Camaro and a 79 Camaro. Myself and John who run the show and site got to get our cars on it for once :slight_smile:

Live Trace in Illustrator -


Live Trace in Illustrator -


That might work. I read some of the blogs and they mention Adobe Streamline, which I remember trying a while back.

Thanks for the input. Keep them coming :slight_smile:

How about downgrading the color depth in Photoshop? Image > Adjust > Posterize

No way your going to get that kind of resolution in a vector when you start with such a poor res raster…

If you had a HUGE file to start with… Maybie… but it still takes FOREVER!

theres plenty o shops out there that will do it for you. It is time consuming expecially for something as detailed as what you posted. the new live trace in CS2 is decent. and Corel draw had a decent CorelTrace but i havent seen the latest versions.

vector > raster anyday.