A drunk and stoned 14 yr old don’t care just as long as theres a hole and a heart beat
my questoin is, how fucked up is this bitches son?
it’s cool that these kids got wasted for free, got high for free, and got head as well as gangbanged some 40 year old slut… except for her son that, i’m assuming, watched it all? like what was THAT kid thinking watching his mom blow his friends? did this kid fuck his mom or is he just severely fucked up in the head from this point forth?
pretty fucked up situation… too bad she’s not hot…
i tought she had a daughter that was in highschool…
& was throwing parties for her daughter??
thats what i thought i heard on the news lastnight. :dunno:
Well if thats the case with the daughter why isn’t the daughter screwin and blowin the guys…Unless mother was trying to teach daughter a thing or two - -
oh… well then her daughter watched? way to be a huge slut… awesome parenting… you know her daughter’s more fucked up than the average girl.
man, did you guys read her report? what a hoe! haha… i wish i went to parties like that when i was 16.
I went to parties like that when i was 16 but the sluts were the same age as us
umm… well then they weren’t parties like that, now were they?
that is seriously fucked up. Guess the ONLY way she was getting laid was to get somebody REALLY messed up w/ dope and booze, too bad it had to be high school kids…wow.
haha ‘cool mom’
she born in germany… more proof europe is fucked up :kekegay:
I guess not :madfawk:
the sad thing is that we are wasting taxpayer money and jailspace locking this woman up.
send her to fayette county… she could at least become a county commissioner
"Convicted of running a prostitution ring, former Fayette County Commissioner Susanne Teslovich sobbed prior to her sentencing Friday and apologized to her former constituents.
“When I began this business, I had no intention of doing anything wrong. But I’ve been convicted,” Teslovich said. "I would like to apologize to the people of Fayette County for any cost of this (trial).
“I would like to apologize for any embarrassment this has caused, and to my family, the taxpayers and this court,” she said to Fayette County Judge John F. Wagner Jr." :wtf:
what people do behind closed doors is their own business. The guys were 16, not 6. If you’re old enough to drive a car, you’re old enough to fuck.