http://www.break.com/movies/cool_optical_illusion.html - this one is pretty fun. . .

http://www.break.com/movies/walkonwater.html OK. . .WTF?? I’ve never heard of this guy till now, but this one’s got me stumped. . .

BS! Its one of those MF’ing pop up surprizes isnt it! lol… nice try buddy.

Its not. This one is actually pretty fuckin sweet. seriously , just skip all the way to the end of it if you don’t trust it, thats what I did the first time.

holy… that is actually pretty trippy! its like acid without dropping a tab!

Wow thats cool… How do i make it stop :vom:

Criss Angel is the Mother f’n MAN!!! When that chick swam between his legs right where he was walking…damn!!!

Clear sheet of lexan under the water…

He has too many other unbelievable stunts to make me think its fake. I think this guy can do it.

WTF is suspoed to happen with the first one ?

You stare at it for awhile then when you look away you get to have a neat little 15 second acid trip without the repercussions of doing acid! w00t!

its more like morning glory seeds than acid… but yeah, stuff goes warbly.

hmmm didn’t work for me then :rolleyes:

perma-fried? :vom: