Want your mind blown? Watch this video.


Good luck figuring this one out.

Watch it at 1080 and full screen for better effect.

it actually fucks with my eyes looking at how its built.

wicked cool

is it based on capillary action?

ohh fuck, its an illusion hahahahhaha I got owned

Original mind fuck reference


Pretty sure he uses CGI as well as angles and basic illusion.

If you carefully follow the construction you realize it physically can’t be vertical, so it’s laterally laid out on the floor with the poles carefully angled and position to look like they are holding it up. However what gets me is that water is very very hard to CGI unless he had two structures and he overlaid two videos, with water actually dropping.

Other possibility is that there is an actual vertical construction on the left part where water is dropping and a line that feeds the drop, and the lateral part goes into a drain somewhere.


yeah like this one…

Well that doesn’t explain how he did it, but it explains the technical illusion.

However water falling out of fin air doesn’t work in RL.

if its laid out horizontally and its flowing down hill, his floor has to be way out of level. look at that other black and white 3d fly by in related videos.

but how did he show the water going from “level to level” continuously?

Mind = blown

its just a perspective thing. It only has that illusion from that vary angle and In fact alot of what you think are support legs are just poles supporting nothing. If you watch the water you can see where the highest point on the model is because it has trouble getting through that part.

there is nothing cgi about it because his shadow is cast on everything, but look a t how the base it built up like 6-7" at the wheel and then at the top its maybe a 1/4" that way there he can give the illusion of going upwhen the water is still going down hill. If i can remember the shape from a birds eye view looks like some fucked up rhombus



That’s awesome he did that at home.

very kool

Wait, so what you’re trying to say as its real?

You may be over looking the fact that it’s physcally impossible.

What’s the name of that kids game where you had to put the water in it? It was like a board game with water. Idk, that’s what this SHIT reminds me of.

The way you are thinking of it is physically impossible but its an optical illusion. Its quite possible.

Watch where his shadow falls on the objects

Take a look at the links. One is made up of multiple objects, the other is one piece a mix of both with a wter line going through the squiggly legs would solve the porblem

Well it’s obviously an illusion, I’m not sure what you were getting at here, nobody will argue that as just looking at it, you realize that logistics of overlay and relativity do not make sense in the real world.

I’ve read the giz article, it’s all still speculation whether CGI or a sort of pulp is involved.

Keep in mind he’s on concrete floor and you don’t see a drain or a feed system of any sorts.

it has to be CGI. There is no possible way to get the water from the “top” down to the wheel. If the whole thing actually lays flat then how does the water get back to the wheel? CGI