Cool Vid: The iPhone Fashion Shoot

Proof that you don’t need an expensive camera.

the guy is using like thousands of dollars in lighting equipment :rofl

Damn that girls a looker. And +1 for phones being able to replace cameras even without the lighting equipment.

That’s why I took my EVO to Six Flags. And that’s also why I lost it. lol.

thats pretty sick… i feel like everybody complains about how bad the iphone camera sucks

I think that’s what Benny was getting at. The lighting equipment helps. In anything less than bright light, most cell phone cameras fall short due to their tiny flashes (if they even have them). That certainly helps this video seem better than it is, but it’s true that cell cameras are catching up to regular point and shoots.

Yeah the only things you need are a studio, a model, an editor, lighting equipment, make up artist.

Then again, there is always

yeah i hear ya… lighting in the vid def helps. and i just saw some commercial (sprint? maybe) advertising there 4g (3g friendly) phone with an 8MP cam… things are getting serious!

Verizon is coming out with the MOTO X. 4.5" touch screen. HD video. Hdmi hookup built in to the phone. Will be out by the end of the month. Looks nasty!