Couple of cool pics

I took a ride out to buy a set of European headlights for my 200 down in Amenia, NY. The ride on Saturday morning/afternoon was beautiful so I had to stop and shoot (lol) a few pics. These were shot entirely on my iPhone 4. Here ya go:

wow, pretty solid work for an iphone lol.

that nuts for a phone pic

Holy crap.

Did you use an app for the shots or stock camera icon?

Pro HDR is the app I used and then tweaked them a bit in Lightroom.

Mighty impressive.

My contract is due at the moment but I’m holding out for the yearly announcement of their new model. Hoping they come through with something by the fall.


Wow, that does look good for a phone. And a Vw. lol

I love that first shot, Nick. Pretty wild to think they came from a phone too lol

Thanks Jim. I really wish I had my DSLR but I really can’t believe how awesome these came out. Def not bad. I will certainly be taking a ride out that way in the fall!

DUDE. NO FUCKING WAY is that taken with iPhone quattro!!??? lol

Thats impressive as hell

wow, iphone is doin work

i just will not accept you telling me these are iphone pics.


Someone explain why my iphone 4 pics are blurry and shitty as fuck?

Is there some basic settings I’m missing here?

u need to get a better lens, first of all

nick did you ever think of doing a silver time attack kinda thing on the lip of your wheels? It would mimic the trim around the windows, and look very nice I think.

hold still and shoot in the light

pics look good

iphone4 ftw , Couldnt be happier with this fuggin thing

took a few pics from my trip to fl … i almost shit when i saw how good they came out. Heres one for shits

Beautiful shot and +rep.

Peep the EXIF data Singh! Has the GPS location too!