Cool website for older PC games

check it out, they have a whole lot of hard to find PC games for download (full versions!) I downloaded Longbow 2, an Apache Flight sim. Works great :slight_smile:

Lots of other games too.

Holy shit they have Sub Culture on there. But seeing as I have a legit version already I’m set. Lot of good games, however most can be obtained free of charge from

However they do have quite a few that can’t be found else where easily, ahh the memories. I wonder what happened to my box of 5 1/4" disks with all those games pulled off of a BBS long ago. :frowning:

Awesome site!!!

very cool

greatest game ever


In case you’ve already paid, please enter your order number and you’ll be granted unlimited access immediately (for example 1234- If you’ve paid via PayPal, you can also use your Paypal email address instead:

anyone already pay? and would like to share?

I can spend the time tonight, raping the site and putting them all up on an ftp, for everyone to access, :slight_smile:

if its possible, ill pay tomorrow night, than ill give ya teh order number FTW

before anyone pays, let me see what i can do, might not need to pay at all :slight_smile:

Good site as well. Downloads are slow, but most of the games are so small it doesn’t really matter.

Downloading the Test Drive threepack right now. Test Drive, Test Drive 2 The Duel, and Test Drive 3 The Passion.

im looking for some old school apple II games.

anything that has the same style as “Transylvania” or “DEJAVU”

if you know what im talking about, youll know its the hotness right thurr

someone = teh l337 Haxxxorzz?

OMG, Jones in the FAST LANE?!?!?!


Just pulled 600kbps off that site with my shitty road runner connection. Awesome! Now to rock out to some old school Apogee games.

any luck??? i wanna waste some time and play some of these great games

You guys are rediculous. It’s only $7 freaking dollars for unlimited downloads. Sheesh :roll:

You could download everything on that site in less than a month.


Rick, with the word “free” in the web page you can imagine how annoyed I was when I clicked and it asked me for money. Free > $

Ok Ok Ok.

Point taken. The url does say free.

ahh very cool. will keep you busy will flash games too:)